Chapter 6: The Lost Sister

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The three of you sit in the kitchen not long after El went into the void. Your eyes switch from El's to Becky's.

"So, it just kept repeating?" Becky asks El, a concerned look on her face.

"Repeating?" El answers with a question, not knowing the meaning of the word. A confused look on her face.

"Like a circle, showing you the same image again and again." Becky responds.

"She kept showing the girl in the room." El says, she looks over at you uneasily.

"The rainbow room?" Becky asks, El nods. "What'd the girl look like?" Becky inquires, a look of concern in her eyes.


"Different from you?" You question, El nods.

"I think this is why Mama wanted me to talk to her. She wants me to find her."

Becky nods and leads the two of you through the halls again, and into a room beside the living room. There's a large grey filing cabinet placed against the wall. There's a desk placed underneath a window with papers thrown everywhere on it.

Becky opens a part of a cabinet and throws a folder out and continues looking through it. "When Terry was looking for you, she kept files on other missing children she thought were like you." You and El sit on the ground and begin looking through the folders.

Becky throws another folder out, this one is yellowish white almost vanilla, multiple papers rest inside of it. She grabs another one and throws it on the table. El opens one up and begins looking through it. She stops at a newspaper near the back and pulls it out. A folder falls out from it and El picks it up.

Indian girl missing from downtown London. It shows a young girl with a dark complexion looking at the camera blankly.

"Is that her?" You ask, El nods.

"What's that one?" El questions, pointing at the unopened folder.

It's blue, with large black letters lining the top: Y/N- with the last name colored over. For what reason you have no clue, You hadn't even noticed it was yours before, you quickly grab it and open it up.

On the left there's a picture, a baby, your skin color, he has your eyes and nose. Your face is smiling in the photo, it's almost sad. How different would your life be, It's not only you though, there's multiple people in the photo. Your father, you assume holding you. Grinning brightly, everyone else also smiles Its almost like an entire family came to watch you get born, maybe that entire family watched you get taken away.

"What the-" She murmurs, grabbing the photo from the folder. She holds it up closer to her eyes to get a better view, she glances at you then to the photo.

You continue to look, a newspaper clipping is the only thing in the folder left. 'Fatal Crash— 1 Dead.' You stare at the clipping for a moment as El also reads it.

You feel tears begin to well, some do drop. The clipping, the one dead. It's there for a reason. Who's the person that died? Your mom or your father? You exhale deeply, trying to control your emotions.

"Well let's try to find that girl." You say, smiling gamely, the smile hurting your cheeks. You don't really care about the girl, you just need a few moments to think.

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