Chapter 5: The Flayed

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Eleven sits beside you on Mike's Sofa, a blindfold wrapped around her eyes. Her breathing deep and shallow.

"Where is he?" Max asks El. El's nose begins to bleed as she responds, her voice hoarse. "In the woods, With Will's mom."

"M-My mom?" Will asks rhetorically, leaning forward, almost out of his chair; his mouth agape.

"They're going to I-Ill annoy." El adds, she stutters, a visible sign that she doesn't know how to pronounce the word. Then frowns after realizing she has mis-said it.

Loud banging resonates on the hard wooden floor, echoing down the steps as her shrill voice creeks the cold air of the basement. "Breakfast Mike!"

"Not now mom!" The banging stops and Mike turns towards El and you again. "Illonois, like the state?"

Eleven shrugs, "Ill-Annoy."


You stand in the bathroom, looking at your figure in the bathroom mirror. Your E/C eyes are tired and black bags hang underneath them. Your limbs ache without end. It feels as though everything has gone wrong and ended up all on you.

The bathroom door opens, you turn around and El steps inside; holding a bag of ice cold pea's. "Hey." She says, closing the door behind her slowly.

"Hey." You respond gruffly, trying to avoid hurting your neck. You turn back to the mirror. El steps up beside you and looks at your face in the mirror's reflection; her worried eyes searching your eyes for injuries.

"Does it hurt?" She questions, you lift your neck upwards and look at it. Black veins line the large red strip wrapping around your throat, it looks like strangulation.

"Only when I talk. At least I'm not Mike. I'd be in constant pain." You joke, and laugh lightly. El chuckles, she hands you the bag of Pea's a bright smile painted on her face.

"Tha-" You begin saying but get interrupted by Mike yelling outside the door.

"Guys! You might want to come out here!" Mike yells, you open the door and step outside with El behind you.

All their eyes rest on you and Eleven. "You might want to take a seat." Nancy says, you look over at her and Jonathan in surprise, your eyebrows raising for a second before dropping.

You nod and take a seat on the sofa, El on the left of you and Mike on the right. Lucas, Max and Will sit on to the right of you.

As Nancy begins explaining Mrs. Driscoll and her situation. You zone out and think about the fight between you and Billy. It really was a close call, it felt so surreal.

You lean back on the cushions, unfortunately the feeling of your sickness has gotten worse. You can't move without an ache everywhere.

Mike stands up looks at the paper on the table in front of him before he speaks, "So, this crazy old woman who was eating fertilizer--"

"Mrs. Driscoll." Nancy interrupts, crossing her arms.

"Right, Mrs. Driscoll. When exactly did this happen?" Mike asks, titling his head questioningly.

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