-Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Tᴡᴇɴᴛʏ Sɪx-

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   It'd been just a few hours

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   It'd been just a few hours. The sun had now risen, and everyone was sitting at the scene. Aife had been sitting against a rock, sharpening her blades as they all sat in silence. Aife hadn't said much since the incident, with her brother having been shot in his side, and with Minho being missing, she had been rather. . . Pissed off, you could say. She was back to her old ways, and the others had noticed. She was observant, she had picked up on everything that went on. The look in her eyes had darkened, and it seemed as though there was no pulling her out of this state. 

    Aife's brother had been bandaged up by Brenda, who had been sitting by and watching over him as he got rest. Thomas, who had been packing his belongings, hastily stood up and tossed his backpack over his shoulder, "I'm not going with you, alright? And I'm sure Aife isn't either," He said after a moment as he shifted back and forth on his left and right foot. Harriet, Vincent, and the others who were nearby glanced up at him, their features visibly confused as they waited for him to elaborate. 

I can speak for myself, Aife thought bitterly to herself as she glared at her blade. 

Vincent hesitated before speaking, "What?" His voice slightly wavered. 

  "I made a promise to Minho, that I wouldn't leave him behind. I-i have to go after him." Thomas adjusted the strap on his bag, and Aife slowly stood up, Newt following her actions. She placed her blade in her belt before slowly stepping next to him. 

  "Hey, Kid, look around you, aight'? WCKED just won the war," He waved his hands by his side before continuing, "You think about where you're headed." 

  "I'm not asking anyone to come with me." Thomas shook his head, his eyes squinted as the sun beamed down on them. 

  "Thomas, listen to me," Newt began, his voice was steady, and soft as he spoke, "Ive known Minho for- For as long as I can remember. So, if there is any way, that we could help him, trust me I would be up there, standing next to you but this? What you're talking about, is impossible." 

  Brenda and Jorge slowly stepped up, making their way closer, "More like suicide," The man added. Axel had his arm around Jorge's shoulder to help him stand. 

  "I'm always up for an attempt." Aife spoke rather nonchalantly, though, her body was tense, and her tone was flat.  Everyones attention diverted to her, watching as she took in a sharp breath, "Thomas is right, its not about us. Not anymore. This, is about anyone that WCKED's ever harmed, anyone they will harm. They will never stop. They'll never stop," Aife didn't bother looking up at Thomas's reaction, instead, she kept her gaze forward. Her voice was strong, steady as she spoke loudly. 

"So, we're gonna stop them." 

   "I'm gonna kill Ava Paige. And I'm gonna kill Janson," Aife paused for a moment, taking her time to look everyone who was listening directly in the eye, before her gaze paused on Frypan. 

  "I'm gonna kill Teresa, the traitor, who was desperate to gain our trust, only to break it. I will get my satisfaction. And you can too," 

   There was an unidentifiable tone behind her words, that drew them in. They knew she would live up to her word. She always did. Jorge and Brenda glanced at each other, sending each other a nod as they silently agreed with her words. 

There was a pause before someone else spoke up. 

   "I have to admit, I'd like some revenge." Harriet smirked, her shotgun rested over her shoulder as she looked up at Aife. 

Just as it should be. 

   "Well, that was a good speech," Vincent breathed out, tilting his head to the side slightly. Vincent was cut off by another voice, specifically, it was Axel. He looked rather pale, though, he didn't care. They nearly killed his sister. Anyone who dared to try deserved death. He was ready to fight. 

"So, what's your plan?"

   At that, Thomas glanced over at Aife, a small smile tugging chapped lips before he ran his tongue over them. Aife tilted her head, her mouth barely agape as she looked toward Thomas. 

They were ready. 

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