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Jacks P.O.V

The boys and I were all warming up in the dressing room, hyping each other up and trying to get into a good headspace before the game. I sat down on the bench and switched my phone on seeing a message pop up from Sage, my heart did a somersault as I opened it up.

Sage ❤️: good luck! We're out here waiting for you x

Jack ❤️: can't wait to show off for you 😜😘

I smiled down at my phone as I tapped out my reply, hitting send before any of the other lads could come up to me and start taking the piss as per usual.

'What are you smiling at?' John teased, and there's me thinking I've gotten away with it for once.

'Nout why' I tried to play it cool shrugging off my obviously cheesy grin.

'Don't play dumb with me Grealish I know that smile, is it Shannon?' My stomach dropped at the name and I could feel the anger running through my veins at the very thought of that spiteful cow.

'Absolutely fucking not' I hissed turning my phone off and standing up as Gareth Southgate entered the changing room, ready to give us one last pep talk.

'Right then lads, it's the big one, you know what to do and you don't need me here telling you again, just go out there and use your strengths to target their weaknesses and use each other's strengths' he went on for awhile talking about how far we've already come and blah blah blah but I was miles away, my brain latched onto the knowledge that Sage was out there and that was all I needed to perform well.

We headed out onto the pitch and as I walked I locked eyes with Sage, winking at her as I walked past. I knew she'd be blushing so I chuckled to myself and got into position ready for the national anthems and all that crap. Once all the pre match rituals were over and we were into position the starting whistle blew and it was game time.

All throughout the game I could hear the crowds cheering which pumped me full of adrenaline, running towards the goal I saw my opportunity and kicked the ball over to where I could already see Harry waiting, nudging it into the goal with his head the crowd went wild. I dashed over to Harry and jumped on him everyone piling on as well as we screamed in pure joy.
I stood up and looked around the roaring stadium and caught eyes with Sage again who was screaming and jumping around with Megan like an absolute loon. My legs filled with fire and I found myself running over to her picking her up and spinning her round a million times.

'Well people definitely know about me now' she giggled as I put her down, my sweaty face inches from hers and her big blue eyes staring up at me.

'Let's make sure they definitely know' I smirked and pressed my lips to hers wrapping my arms around her waist as I kissed her. The crowd got even louder as we kissed and I could feel her smiling against my lips. The kiss broke and I chuckled at her.

'Now go secure this!' She shouted and I ran back into position on the field ignoring the lads as they shouted and taunted me for my PDA with Sage. God that girl does things to me.

The rest of the match played on and we ended up coming away with the win. After celebrating with each other and the fans that were in the stadium for awhile we headed back into the dressing room to get showered and changed. Gareth and the team coaches came in to congratulate us and then it was time to go. Heading out of the building I walked out with Mason, the two of us looking for our girls. Finally I spotted Sage stood by the bus with Megan the two of them chatting and laughing.
I snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist kissing her neck and cheek.

'Hello you' I said pulling her into a hug as she span around to face me.

'You did so good babe!' She squealed jumping up into my arms, her legs wrapped around my torso.

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