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Sage's P.O.V

'Pens down please' the examiner instructed and the sound of pens hitting the plastic desks around the hall echoed through the room.
I looked around and locked eyes with Megan who was grinning at me. I smiled back and we were soon released from the exam hall.

'Let's go celebrate' Megan squealed taking ahold of my hand as we headed back to our flat.

We got ready to go out to the bar with some of our class mates. I was torn on what to wear and spent hours flicking through my wardrobe. Eventually I found a black dress that had white spots on it, pairing it with my favourite leather jacket and black boots I brushed through my hair and applied some light makeup.

'Ready?' Megan asked appearing from the bathroom in her signature purple dress and denim jacket.

'You know it' I grinned, we downed our shots and headed out the door, walking through the streets of London to the bar we were meeting our friends at.

'Wait wait wait' Megan paused pointing at a black phone box on the street outside our flat I turned and looked at her, a confused look evident on her face.
'Photo op!' She shouted and asked a passing stranger to take a photo of us.
We posed for a while whilst the man laughed and took some photos of us, thanking the man I linked arms with Megan as we walked into the bar.

'Hey girls!' Zac smiled, embracing me and then Megan as we sat down with everyone.

'Thank god that's over!' Megan said and everyone agreed. We ordered our drinks and spent a few hours in the bar chatting about our mutual hatred for some of the assessments we've had to do this year.

'You coming to cacti?' Zac asked from next to me, I pondered for a moment but I was already drunk so didn't see a reason to turn down the chance for a night out.

We all left the bar saying goodbye to the ones who weren't coming with us to cacti. Waiting in line I looked around us, the music was already pounding and I couldn't wait to get amongst it. We were getting closer to the entrance when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.
Tapping on the notification it was a Snapchat from one of my course mates Harry.

I swallowed hard at the picture and turned to Megan who was chatting with one of the girls we had met in the line

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I swallowed hard at the picture and turned to Megan who was chatting with one of the girls we had met in the line.
Tapping her on the shoulder she span around to face me and I showed her the photo. A cheeky smile tugged at her lips and I scowled her.

'Make up sex?' She suggested and I slapped her arm.

We finally got into the club and the music immediately hit me like a drug. We got ourselves onto the dance floor and I quickly forgot about the Snapchat I'd been sent outside. Dancing with Megan I looked around the packed club and spotted what seemed to be Jack stood up on one of the higher levels of the club, I span around as quickly as I could hoping he hadn't seen me looking.

'Shots?' Zac suggested and everyone jumped at the opportunity. Heading to the bar we did our best to stick together through the crowds. I held onto Megan's hand as tight as I could but we got disconnected in the heap of people.

Zac was behind me and placed his hands on my hips, my eyes widened at his touch and I could feel my bones tense as I walked. He managed to stay connected to me as we made our way through and eventually got to the bar. Zac ordered the shots and I waited awkwardly by the side of him.

'So, Grealish is out of the picture then?' He asked and I rolled my eyes at the conversation subject.
Zac giggled and placed his hands on my waist again, I tried to take a step back but the club was far too packed and space wasn't an option I had at my disposal.

'I'd show you a better time than he ever did' he smirked and I raised my eyebrows at his comments, attempting to laugh it off.
Zac got closer and closer to me until he had me pinned up against the bar.

'Zac please don't' I tried to push him off of me but his strength was too much and I couldn't move him.

'Thought you liked the tough ones?' He giggled kissing my neck and nibbling at my ear. It made me feel sick.
I moved my head and attempted once again to get out of his grasp but was yet again, not successful.

'Zac stop please!' I shouted over the music but he continued to press himself up against me, I began to feel terrified and looked frantically around for Jack. I don't know why I wanted him but at least he was strong enough to get Zac away from me.

'Looking for your little boyfriend?' Zac teased and just as I went to reply he was shoved to one side.
Squeezing my eyes shut I expected to be shoved to one side myself, probably by some drunk desperate for another drink. Instead I opened my eyes to see Jack holding onto my hand and walking me out of the club. I held onto him as closely as I could as he marched through the crowds.
Once we were outside he unlocked his car which was parked in its usual spot and helped me into the back. He shut the door and walked around to the other side, climbing in and bringing me to his chest as I let out a cry.

'Shhhh baby it's alright' he soothed me with his words and I clenched my fist around his shirt as I sobbed. 'I'm here, I've got you'.

'Th-thank you' I muttered, sitting up and wiping my eyes, definitely smearing makeup all over my face.

Jack looked at me and brought his thumbs to my cheeks, rubbing them across my cheeks taking some of my tears with his thumbs. He smiled that smile that could save me from anything.

'There, all gorgeous again' he smiled and I couldn't help myself.
I found myself leaning in and pressing my forehead against his, Jacks hands cupping my cheeks as he looked into my eyes, our lips almost touching.

'Sage' he started but I cut him off by crashing my lips against his.

Jack smiled against me as I climbed onto his lap, his hands immediately holding onto my hips, his fingers digging into me slightly. I burned wherever he touched me and I could feel myself craving him the more I kissed him.
His hands began to rock my hips back and forth against him as his tongue gracefully ran across my bottom lip, I let him in and our tongues battled for dominance, him winning eventually.
I tugged at the bottom of his shirt and he sat forward pulling it over his head and tossing it to the floor of his car. I smiled down at him, looking at his chest as his golden skin sparkled with the beads of sweat than ran over his abs.

I smashed my lips back against him and he groaned as I rocked my hips again, feeling every aspect of him. I smiled to myself knowing exactly what I was doing. Our kiss was broken when we both eventually needed to catch our breaths. Looking into his eyes I could feel myself falling more and more in love with the brown eyed brummy.

'You wanna go back to my place?' Jack suggested and I nodded, climbing off of his lap and into the passenger seat.

'SLAG!' I span my head around and saw Zac banging on the window of Jacks car screaming at me.
I barely had time to contemplate what was happening before Jack was jumping out of the car and heading over to Zac, shoving him back I got myself out of the car and ran towards them in an attempt to get Jack away from him.

'Having fun with her we're you?' Zac laughed and I saw Jacks jaw clench as he swung for him, he fist colliding with Zac jaw sending him to the floor.

'Prick' Jack spat, security came running over, grabbing Jack before he could launch himself at Zac again. I pulled on his arm and we walked back to the car.

What a night.

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