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Sage's P.O.V

'Stop taking photos of me' Jack whined as I snapped another one, him pretending to ignore me and stay focused on his phone.

'I'll stop when you pay attention to me' I retaliated, snapping another and another making sure my phone was on loud to make the camera snapping sound.

Jack looked at me and put his phone down, starring at me for a moment butterflies launched an attack on my stomach as heat rose to my cheeks.
Jack leaned in and whispered in my ear.

'I love how my even just my eyes set you off' I gulped and my eyes went wide at the sound of his raspy voice. 'You want me?' He whispered again, his hand travelling up my thigh in between my legs. I nodded against his touch and he smiled, pulling his hand away and sitting back down in his chair.
I narrowed my eyes at him and he chuckled to himself, picking his phone back up and continuing to play his stupid game whilst I attempted to seek my revenge on the ridiculously attractive brumy.

Sage_y: revenge is sweet 😇

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Sage_y: revenge is sweet 😇


'It's so warm! I love it' I grinned as I walked out of the rented Villa and down onto the private beach that was attached to it.

'You going in?' Mason asked, pointing his head in the direction of the water which I had to admit, looked incredibly inviting.
I replied with a wide grin and dashed into the water, feeling it splashing around my waist and up to my chest. I swam around for awhile, laying my head back in the water and watching as a few clouds floated around in the sky.

'Enjoying that?' A brummie accident asked and I stood up in the water to see Jack stood in front of me smiling.

'Mmmm' I hummed heading over to him and lunging at him. I dunked him under the water and he resurfaced with a groan, shaking his head, his wet hair splashing me.

'Oh your in for it!' He shouted chasing me through the water and back on to the warm sand of the beach.
With a giggle Jack tackled me to the floor and pinned me under him, trapping me there with a smirk.

'Not so funny when it's the other way around huh?' He asked looking down at me as I squirmed around on the sand.
'Jaaack' I groaned, attempting to push my hands up against him and get him off of me.

'Ah what's the magic word' he teased, pushing me back down, his face only inches from mine, his breath hot against my lips.

'I'm not saying it' I shouted, still squirming under his touch.
'Ah well, only one solution then' Jack smirked picking me up and walking up the beach towards the pool where the others were lounging on the sun beds as well as a few friends we had made throughout the holiday so far.

'Jack please babe' I begged as he edged closer to the pool with me in his arms.
Before he said anything I found myself being thrown into the pool. I came back up from the water and glared at Jack as he laughed and clapped at himself.

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