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Sage's P.O.V

'Fuck sake' Jack groaned, throwing himself back on the bed with his arms in the air.
I sat on the bed next to him and began running my fingers through his hair to calm him down, watching as the tense muscles in his face began to relax slightly.

'You did so good' Jack rolled his eyes at me and I sighed in response, I knew nothing I said was going to cheer him up, but I at least wanted to try.

'It's not good enough though Sage, I needed to be great, not good' he complained.
He'd been in a sour mood since he got back from today's game. His first game in the starting line of for Man City hadn't exactly gone the way he wanted it to, and that meant for the next 48 hours he would be grumpy with himself.

'Come on' I patted my knees and stood up, stretching my arm out for Jack to take.
He looked me up and down and huffed, rolling onto his stomach and ignoring me.

'Get up or I'm going not wearing that new underwear your got me' Jack was up in a matter of seconds, struggling to put his shoes on and nearly falling over in the process.

'Though so' I smirked, taking his hand and heading out of the door and into town.
We wondered through the streets, stopping a couple of times when fans asked for a photo with Jack and when we saw something cute in a shop window.

'Can we go back now' Jack groaned, his hand still in contact with mine as he trailed along slowly behind me.
I had one more stop in mind as the sun began to set and the streets became less and less busy with families returning home for the night. I wondered through the double doors and into the reception.
Giving the lady on the front desk my name she smiled and let us through. Jack had a puzzled look on his face as he followed me along the corridor.

'What is th-' he paused as I opened the doors into the large room and he walked in.

'Sage' he turned to look at me, I had a big grin plastered across my face as his eyes looked deeply into mine.

'I wanted you to have a space where you could train on your own, you know, without me perving on you' I paused and walked further into what was now Jacks own personal gym. 'After university I had some extra funds left over and I wanted to spend them on something worthwhile, something positive and this seemed perfect' I beamed up at Jack who was still smiling like a goon.

'You didn't have to do this, and I like you perving on me' Jack chuckled to himself and picked me up, spinning me around in the air whilst pressing kisses to my neck and ear. He put my down and laid out on one of the mats picking up the bar that was laying next to it and did some stretches and other moves. I watched on with a smile, glad that for what felt like the first time in our relationship, I had been able to give him something. Something other than a boner.
Snapping a photo and posting it to my Instagram story Jack caught me, rolling his eyes at me and slipping his hoodie back on.

Sage_y: gym buddies 😘

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Sage_y: gym buddies 😘

We walked back out of the gym and back to the Man City grounds where some of the boys were having a kick about on one of the training fields. I watched on as Foden booted the ball in Jacks direction, he dropped my hand and ran backwards bouncing the ball off of his chest, doing a few keepie uppies before kicking it back.

'I've never watched anyone look at a football the way Phil does' Jack laughed as we got back into Jacks room. I laughed and sat down on the sofa with a sigh, my feet aching from all the walking we'd done this afternoon.

'You feeling better now?' I asked as Jack came over from the wardrobe in his grey trackies and no top, spraying some cologne over his bare chest.

'Mmm' he hummed sitting down next to me and guiding me down to rest my head in his lap as he ran his fingers through my hair. I closed my eyes and relaxed into his touch.

'You know what makes me really happy?' He spoke, his voice was quiet and peaceful, he finally, for the first time since the match, sounded content.
I opened my eyes and raised one eyebrow at him in response to his question. He smiled down at me before he spoke again.

'Knowing that in a month, your going to be Mrs Grealish'

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