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Jacks P.O.V

This was it. Penalties. Our worst nightmare. I'd only been on the pitch thirty minutes and already my shin had been injured. I sat slouched in the seat as some of the medical staff poked and prodded at my leg receiving grunts and groans from me as they tended to my leg.
I watched on as Gareth spoke to each of the boys about taking a penalty, none of them had even an ounce of fear in their eyes as they nodded confidently. Next thing I knew he was walking towards me, a focused look on his face and his pen nearly cracking between his restless teeth.

'How's the leg?' He asked, looking down as the medical team wrapped it in a support and applied the numbing spray we'd all come to love.

'It's fine, I'll take one if you need me to' I added, I needed to impress him, it was so important not just to me but to my family, to my friends and to Sage.

'Yeah?' I nodded as a response and watched on with nerves as he wrote my name down on the list.

We lined up in position in front of the net watching as the others took their shots. The current score was 2-2 to Italy and if we were going to come away from this as winners it was suddenly down to me. Henderson had his arm around my shoulder as I watched on nervously. Walking towards the ball I tried to keep focused on my feet, trying not to let the pressure get to me. I took my shot and was suddenly aware of a ringing throughout the arena and a pounding on my shoulders.
Opening my eyes again I saw the goal keeper on the ground, and the ball, my ball, in the back of the net.

'YES GREALISH!' Phil shouted in my ear as we jumped around like lunatics. I grinned as he hugged me.

'Fucking come on!' I yelled at the crowd as they screamed and cheered. This feeling was absolutely insane. I had waited my entire career for my England call up and here I was, scoring the winner for us at the euros for the first time in god knows how long.

'I knew I made a good choice!' Gareth shook my hand and brought me in for a quick hug, thanking him I took in a deep breath, letting the feeling sink in before I turned around to see my Sage running towards me.
Opening my arms she leapt into them and I span her around.

'You did it baby!' She squealed only causing my grin to grow wider and wider with each word she spoke. Pulling away from her neck I pressed my lips to hers, smiling against her as she kissed me back.

'I love you' I grinned putting her down and taking her hand in mine walking over to some of the other boys who were celebrating.

Sage took photos of me with the boys ready for the many many Instagram posts later. After an hour and half of celebrating, the trophy ceremony and press interviews it was finally time to get back on the bus to the hotel and after party. We all climbed onto the bus and got given a beer as we got on. Standing around in a big huddle Harry have a speech to us all.

'We've been underestimated as a team for so long but now we've got our super Jacky Grealish' I chuckled and shook my head looking down at the floor as everyone began to chant and lifted me up in the air.

'WERE FUCKING CHAMPIONS!' I shouted from my position on Masons shoulders.

Sage and I had been sat at the back of the bus kissing, hugging and just enjoying each other's excitement for ages as we drove along the streets of London, all of which were absolutely packed full of England supporters.

'Look at this one' Sage chuckled handing me her phone which displayed Phil's latest Instagram post, I smiled down at the photo feeling a sense of pride growing within me.

Philfoden: he fucking  did it! we fucking did it! Euro champions 2020 🍾 after party in bound @jackgrealish

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Philfoden: he fucking  did it! we fucking did it! Euro champions 2020 🍾 after party in bound @jackgrealish

I picked up my own phone and began scrolling through the posts, the sound of the boys celebrating kept the smile on my face as I looked through my Instagram feed.

Declanrice: we've got super jacky grealish!

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Declanrice: we've got super jacky grealish!

'Your gonna need a new hairband soon' Sage leant on my shoulder and looked at the photo on my screen, the tatty hairband clinging to my wrist. I looked down at her, pressing my lips to the top of her head I smiled at the smell of her freshly washed hair.

'Your gonna need a new body after tonight' I whispered and felt her gulp as she sat up, eyes wide and cheeks red.
I smirked at her and we pulled up at the hotel. Taking ahold of Sage's hand the cameras flashed and voices screamed as the team walked through the crowds into the reception. The hotel was nice, big pillars lined the entrance and there was a grand chandelier in front of the stairway.

'Right lads go get changed get fresh and then we get fucked!' Mason shouted and everybody laughed as we were handed our room keys.


'P-please' Sage whimpered under my touch as I ran my fingers down her stomach and inserted two into her, watching as her body jolted with each movement I made.

'Please what?' I growled, my lips hovering around her ear as I nibbled at her ear lobe and pressed kisses down her neck.

'Fuck me'

That was all it took for me to flip us over, Sage straddled me whilst she lined herself up grinding against me as I guided her with my hands. My fingers were digging into her hips as she rocked her hips backwards and forwards in motion with me.
I watched as she threw her hair back, her hands flying to her hair to flip it out of her face, it drove me crazy when she did that, the way she looked so effortlessly attractive in such a moment.
I could feel myself reaching my peak and Sage tensing around me, with a few more rocks of her hips we were both moaning in ecstasy, Sage's warm body coming down to rest on mine as we panted.

'Come on' I patted her back, gently sitting up and moving her body off of me, she groaned as I stood up and headed to the bathroom.

'Where are you going' she whined, pulling my hoodie over her which swamped her small body. I smiled and brought her in for a hug after setting the taps running on the bath and filling it with bubbles.

'Bath then booze' I grinned, my arms wrapped around her as we rocked from side to side in the bathroom, her head resting on my chest as I moved around.

In this moment I felt perfectly content with where I was. England had just won the euros, I had scored the winner and finally felt like I earned my place on this squad, and Sage was here, here and mine and that's really all I'd wanted since the first night I met her in that stupid club. In just over a year I'd be calling Sage my wife and perhaps we'd be ready to try again, have another shot at parenthood and spread our love even further.

'I love you Sage'

'I love you Jack'

Liked by Sage_y, MasonMount, declanrice, philfoden, megannn and 391,000 others

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Liked by Sage_y, MasonMount, declanrice, philfoden, megannn and 391,000 others.

JackGrealish: she said yes 💍❤️

Sage_y: forever baby ❤️❤️
Megannn: im screaming 🥰🍾
User242: gold diggerrrrrrr

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