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Sage's P.O.V

'Ow don't do that'

'Stop pulling it like that'

'That's not supposed to go there'

I groaned for what felt like the millionth time whilst trying to help Jack put some highlights into his hair. He'd been on and on and on at me to do them ready for his debut for Manchester next week but every time we came to do it, something usually Jacks inability to keep still, got in the way.

'If you'd just keep still it wouldn't hurt' I suggested with a hint of sarcasm obvious in my voice with another groan Jack finally sat still whilst I applied to dye to the various strands of hair we had selected.

'Why do girls do this for fun?' Jack asked with a frown as he looked up at me.
I shrugged, I'd never dyed my hair I didn't see the appeal, plus my hair was so naturally blonde and I liked it that way.
I finished putting the dye in Jacks hair and sat down on the edge of the bath with him.

'You look silly' I poked my tongue out at him and he rolled his eyes with a chuckle.

'This is all abit mad don't you think?' He turned to me and I nodded.

'It's all part of the lifestyle I suppose' I added and he agreed with a gentle hum.

'I don't think I like the lifestyle' Jack chuckled and I smiled at him, resting my head in his shoulder 'I love football, I love being part of a team, but I'm not sure I love the public life style that comes along with it' he added and I found myself agreeing.
I understood what he meant, I wasn't the biggest fan of how public everything had to be because of who Jack was.

'Your a wise one' I joked poking my finger onto his nose and then off again making a popping noise with my mouth.


'I like that one' I pointed at the photo on the laptop screen and Jack and I scrolled through his old Villa photos, picking out the best ones for his farewell post on social media.
We had been laying on the bed in just our towels for hours trying to pick the right words, the right music and the weight photos and videos but I could tell nothing felt right in Jacks head.

Finally settling on a post he was happy with he pressed post and turned his phone off, rolling onto his stomach with a sigh.

'Do you want to go get food?' I asked, tracing patterns along his bare back, the soft blonde hairs there standing up.

'Mmm I guess' he hummed with his eyes closed my fingers still dancing around his tanned back, his skin was so soft I could have laid there all day.
Finally getting up we both got ready and headed out, jumping into the car Jack drove us into town. Parking up in the multi story car park we wondered through the streets until we found a cute little restaurant to eat at.
We got seated outside and served some wine, I really hated wine but I knew it was Jacks go to with a fancy meal so I endured its vulgar taste for the evening.

'I was thinking' Jack paused holding his finger to his mouth as he swallowed his mouthful of food.
'You need to go dress shopping' he smiled, taking my hand in his and twirling my engagement ring around my finger, I smiled as his eyes focused down on it with love and passion.

'I was thinking of going with Megan next week' I wasn't entirely sure Megan was the best person to take dress shopping whilst she was the size of an actual whale as a result of baby mount but I couldn't not have my best friend there with me.

'My mum would love to with you, if you wouldn't mind taking her?' A huge smile formed on my face at the idea of finally spending some time with Jacks mum without Jack around, there was something so fascinating about her that I needed to spend more time around.

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