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'Fuck me' I puffed out as I collapsed down onto Jacks chest and he wrapped his arms around me, I could feel his heart beating rapidly underneath me as he took in heavy deep breaths.

'I just did' he giggled causing me to slap his chest and press my lips to his torso.

'You wanna go get some food?' He asked looking down at me, I lifted my head up from his chest and nodded.

'Here put this on' he said handing me a rather long black t shirt that he had stuffed under the seat. I grabbed onto the shirt and pulled it over my naked body, locating my black underwear I pulled them up my legs and climbed through to the front seat to meet Jack who was ready and waiting for me.

The streets were quiet and the street lights were on as we drove along listening to the radio, Jacks hand placed on my thigh as I lent my head against the window and closed my eyes.
I was woken up my a steady vibration coming from my lap. I looked down to see a message from Megan. Tapping on the message I opened it up to read it.

Meg: Girl where did you guys go!?
Sage: We're going to get food, where are you?
Meg: Back at the flat, bring your food here!!

Jack peered over at me and my phone and I looked back up at him, poking my tongue out at him. He giggled and looked down shaking his head.

'You okay?' He asked, focusing on the road but keeping his hand on my thigh.

'Megan and um' I paused trying to think of the brunette boys name that she had dashed back to the flat with. Jack could clearly see me struggling and interrupted.


'That's the one!' I shouted, having a mini celebration in my drunken head that his name had finally been remembered.

'They've gone back to our flat and they want us to go there' I explained, putting my phone back in my lap and leaning across the console of the car to press a kiss on Jacks cheek. He smiled against my kiss as I pulled away.

'Don't make me fuck you again' he threatened and butterflies rushed through my stomach at the sound of his raspy voice pushing the harsh words out.

We got our food from McDonald's and headed back to the flat, Jack pulled up in the accommodation car park and helped me out of the car and into the building. We waited on the ground floor for what seemed like hours for the lift but eventually it greeted us with a ding and we wondered in. A silence filled the small space and I fiddled with my fingers and Jack looked down at his phone. Once again that urge id been feeling all night came pounding back into my body and pushed me up against Jack, my lips meeting his in a hungry kiss, the bags of food falling to the floor and scattering everywhere as our hands climbed all over each other's bodies.
It wasn't long before we reached my flat and wondered in to find Megan and Mason cuddled up on her bed just across the room from mine, watching TV.

'Jaaaaaack!' Mason shouted jumping up to greet Jack as I wondered over to Megan with a big grin on my face!

'What is happening!' Megan whispered to me with an equally big grin!

'Have you done anything?' I asked, I know I'll have to ask again in the morning because with this level of alcohol in my body there's no way I'll remember this in the morning.

'Mmhmm' she nodded and I watched as she blushed and pulled her blanket up the hide her flushed cheeks. 'Have you?' She asked and I nodded.

'Where!?' She shouted and I hushed her, only to hear Jack from behind us but into the conversation with the one piece of information I was hoping to keep to myself.

'In the car' he said and came up behind me, scooping me up from my crouched position next to Megan's bed and carrying me over to my own bed and into his arms.

He pulled his shirt off from his body and got himself comfortable in my bed whilst Mason did the same with Megan.

'Who said your sleeping here?!' I asked smirking up at Jack with my head resting on his chest.

'I did' he replied with a grin and pressed a kiss against my nose.

I nestled into his chest and pulled the duvet up and over me, putting one leg across his torso and my arms around his chest bringing him closer to me for his warmth.


The next morning I woke up to the sound of heavy breathing in my ear and warm arms wrapped around my waist. I turned around in the grasp and faced Jack, resting my head underneath his chin and wrapping my own slightly smaller arms around his waist.

'Mmm morning baby' he grunted and rolled into his back pulling me with him to lay on his chest, my legs in between his and my chin resting on his chest.

'Morning' I replied quietly still half asleep and definitely hung over.

It took me a few moments to fully wake up but once I felt my consciousness return I sat up in bed and stretched myself out feeling like I'd been hit by a truck.

'Morning Sagey' I heard Megan groan from the corner of the room, her head fully hidden by Masons back and butt, not something I wanted to see this early in the morning.

I stood up but was soon greeted by a stinging pain in between my legs. I winced and sat back down feeling Jacks arms greet me again.

'Sorry about that' he giggled giving my waist a squeeze before sitting up himself, he put his arm around my waist and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

'You know what they call him Sage?' Mason asked rolling over in bed and bringing Megan with him, noticing the way I was sat attempting to relieve the pain down below.

'What?' I asked rubbing my eyes and adjusting to the light flooding into the room.

'Bad back Jack' he could barely get through the words without laughing but the entire room erupted into fits of laughter once he managed to get the words out.

I rolled my eyes and stood up pulling Jacks t shirt over me and wondering into the bathroom. I jumped into the shower and got my hair washed and make up off. Once I was fresh I got myself dried and back to everyone else.

'No that is not how you fry an egg!' I heard Megan shout.

'Back of woman you want this food or no!?' Jack shouted back as I wondered back into the communal area giggling at the sight before me.

'Defend me babe!' Jack turned to me as he showed me the egg he was currently murdering in the frying pan.

'It looks more like vomit than a fried egg' I confessed as I headed over to my wardrobe to pick out my outfit for the day.

'You wanna just go out for breakfast?' Mason suggested from the corner of the room.

Everyone simultaneously agreed to the idea and began to get ready to head out. I decided to wear high waisted denim shorts and a dark brown crop top leaving my hair essentially as I found it in the morning. Snapping a quick picture in the mirror as we headed out I posted it to my Instagram and rushed out of the door.

Sage_y: they took us to breakfast 💫User1: who's they!!User2: you look fire User3 where's your top from!?!?

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Sage_y: they took us to breakfast 💫
User1: who's they!!
User2: you look fire
User3 where's your top from!?!?

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