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Sage's P.O.V

Jack and I had been broken up for four weeks when the press got hold of the news. Suddenly my phone was full to the brim with questions from Villa fans, media people's and just about anyone else. Death threats, general hate, threats of violence, money in exchange for a story, you name it you could probably find it in my DMs.
Jack and I were still speaking, we text each other a few times a week just to check in on each other which was nice but it wasn't anywhere near what I knew deep down we both wanted but things had been tricky as soon as he left for training. The first few days were awful, we missed each other like mad and we just didn't have the time to call or properly talk to each other, then came Friday night.
Jack had gone out with some of the lads from training on a night out, we had FaceTimed before he went, he was looking forward to a night out and I was looking forward to quite the opposite.
I woke up to hundreds ans hundreds of messages, photos and videos of Jack with another girl, we spoke about it for what felt like hours, going round and round in circles until I finally snapped and that was that.
But now I was studying for my final exams and had all my focus on that.

I sat in my favourite corner in the library on one of the comfier seats. My books were spread out all over the table, notes pens and highlighters everywhere you looked. I'd probably already been in the library for two hours when a girl came over to me sitting in the seat opposite me. I looked up from my notes to see her eyes fixated on my face.

'Can I help you?' I asked, putting my pen down on my notes and sitting back in my seat to relax for a minute.

'You dated Jack Grealish didn't you?' Her eyes light up as his name rolled off of her tongue causing my stomach to erupt with butterflies as my mind flashed back to all the times I'd spent with him.

'Yeah' was all I managed to mutter, turning back to my notes and putting my head down in the hope that she'd get the hint and leave.

'He could do better' she snickered before standing up and heading off to wherever she came from.
I let the words sink in, deeper than I should have, a tear ran down my face and I took that as my que to leave. Gathering my things up as quickly as I could I dashed out of the library and headed back to the flat.

'What's up?' Megan asked, jumping up from her position on her bed and rushing over to me, embracing me in her arms as I broke down.
I explained the situation in the library and finally managed to get myself to calm down. My eyes felt sore and my cheeks were drenched with tears as I sat on my bed, clutching Jacks hoodie that he left me before he went away, the smell of his cologne still strong and seemingly calming me down.

'You wanna go get a coffee?' Megan asked, and I nodded, cleaning my face and applying some fresh mascara we headed to Starbucks.


'You won't need to spend anytime with him I promise' Megan was currently doing her best to reassure my nerves as we headed to Wembley arena for the England v Germany game.
My belly was a knot of nerves with a hint of nausea thrown in there for good measure.
We got ourselves sat down in the seats that Mason had gotten us and awaited the teams arrival.
The atmosphere around the arena was tense and not only because of the match. I knew people were looking in our direction and I did my best to keep my head down, focusing on whatever rubbish my phone screen was showing me as I aimlessly scrolled.

'Hey, I'm glad you could make it!' I looked up to see Mason and Phil stood above us, big smiles plastered on their faces. I locked my phone and focused on them.

'We wouldn't miss it for the world!' Megan chimed and I nodded in agreement, doing my best to put a smile on my face.

'How have you been?' Phil asked, sitting down next to me for a moment.

'Yeah good, just got exams to focus on' I replied, doing my absolute best to keep the conversation away from the direction I could feel it driving in.

'And Ja-'

'I really don't wanna talk about him' I cut him off, looking down and fiddling with the loose ends of my jumper.
Phil gave me a hug before he stood up and headed off with Mason back down the tunnel.

The game soon started and I watched as the boys ran in total organisation and form. There was no way we weren't going to come away from this game as winners. I couldn't help but get involved, screaming and cheering all throughout. The final whistle blew, and I watched as the boys ran to each other with open arms, the biggest smile covered itself across my face at the scene before me. Megan grabbed ahold of my hand and ran onto the pitch towards Mason who picked her up in the air twirling her round.
I suddenly became aware of where I was and an unexplainable vulnerable feeling took over.

'I didn't think you'd come' that voice. My stomach dropped as I turned around to see Jack stood behind me, a smile across his face and his brown eyes dazzling.

'I um, Megan wanted to come so I thought why not' I shrugged, looking around the emptying arena, trying to avoid Jacks damning eye contact.

'Sage I-'

'Don't Jack, honestly just save your breath' I huffed, walking away, down the tunnel and out towards to reception.
I took a seat on one of the red sofas and flicked my phone on, tapping on the newest notification. Really wish I hadn't done that.

Grealish seen with ex beau for first time since breakup, romance on the cards?

Grealish seen with ex beau for first time since breakup, romance on the cards?

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I huffed and closed my phone. I looked around the reception and saw the photos of the boys lining the walls. My feet carried me over to the wall where they were and I smiled at their faces, they all looked so chuffed with themselves.
They all had individual portraits as well, the artwork was insane in this place and I couldn't help wondering further down the hallway to more of the pictures until I stopped, dead in my tracks.
The portrait of Jack was staring at me and I was staring back, the fact that his eyes were just as intense in a picture as they are in real life only made me fall more and more in love with him. I sighed and let the tears that I'd been holding in all day begin to fall silently down my face as I looked down at my feet.

'Kinda peng innit' Jack joked from behind me. I could hear his foot steps getting closer to me and I frantically tried to stop my tears from falling as I turned to face him.

'Are you crying?' Jacks face was suddenly full of worry and concern as he stood over me, his eyes looking down into mine.

'Yeah, just um, period' I lied, faking a smile and heading back over to the seat where my bag was.
I sat down and took a deep breath as Jack followed and sat down next to me. The silence between us was deafening and I suddenly found myself yearning for him to say something and just like that, he did.

'I love you Sage'

I scoffed at his words, I didn't want to let myself believe him, not after what he did. Yeah okay we were on speaking terms over text but it would seem that as soon as we were in the same room, that was most certainly not the case.

'I do! I don't know what I can do to prove that to you' I could hear the desperation in his voice as he spoke to me which only made the butterflies in my stomach flutter harder with each word he spoke.
I turned to look at him and saw tears brimming in his own eyes, shattering my heart that little bit more.

'Look, focus on the rest of this tournament, we can talk after'

With one more final deep breath I stood up and headed out of the door, leaving Jack sat on the seat. I climbed into my car and began the drive back to the flat, Megan would for sure be staying with Mason tonight so I was glad to be having the flat to myself. I needed time and space to think.

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