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Sage's P.O.V

'How long does it take' Jack groaned, throwing himself back on the bed as I sat in front of the mirror curling my hair.
I rolled my eyes at him and he groaned to himself, rolling onto his stomach and flicking through his phone.

'You want me to look shit?' I quirked and he shrugged with a chuckle. I finished curling my hair and stood up, running my hands over my dress to straighten it out.

Jack stood up and took my hand in his, leading us out to the car. I jumped in and watched as Jack drove through the streets into town where we were meeting the rest of the boys and Megan for her baby shower.
We pulled up outside of the restaurant and Jack jumped out of the car, coming around to my side he opened the door for me but I stayed out, feeling emotions I felt uncomfortable acknowledging.

'You gonna be okay?' Jack asked with caring eyes, his hands placed gently on my thighs as he lent on the car door.

'It just reminds me of, you know' pausing I looked down at my lap and took a deep breath attempting to stop the tears that were threatening to spill out of my eyes.
Jack put his hand under my chin, gently tilting my head up to look at him, my watery eyes meeting his lush deep brown ones.

'As soon as you want to leave, we leave' he stated and I nodded stepping out of the car. There were paparazzi everywhere screaming shouting and snapping pictures of us as Jack guided us through the crowds instructing me to ignore them and keep my head down.

The restaurant was decorated with green and gold balloons, the flowers on the tables matched the colour scheme and complimented the lighting beautifully. We walked towards the table to place the gift we had bought Megan and Mason with the others before we found everybody else gathered around.

'Hello you' Megan greeted me with a smile bringing me in for a hug, I hugged her back warmly and smiled against her.

'You look stunning!' I smiled taking in Megan's beauty, she was wearing a white dress that clung to her bump flowing out around her legs. She blushed and took my hand leading me to the tables where we were eating.
I sat down next to Megan and we started chit chatting about her pregnancy, the ins the outs and everything in between, if you pardon the expression.

'He's been kicking like mad today' Megan groaned pushing her hand along the side of her bump and I couldn't help but chuckle as she poked back at the little human inside of her.

Jack came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist as he sat down in the other chair, pressing kisses to my cheek I giggled and pushed him off of me.

'You okay?' He whispered in my ear and I nodded, not wanting anyone to make a fuss of me. After all, it had been almost two years since I lost the twins.

I turned my attention over to Mason who now has Megan stood up on the elevated ground, he began making a speech to everyone and I watched with intent as Megan blushed and smiled like a goofus at him.

'My little man will 100% be better than Jack by the time he's 1' Mason giggled taking a dig at Jack who rolled his eyes at his best friend.

'Anyway, Thankyou all for coming and let's enjoy our day' Mason finished and everybody cheered and clapped as he kissed Megan and helped her to walk back down the steps and into her seat.

We all sat down to eat and I couldn't help but notice the way Jacks attention suddenly seemed focused on his phone, too focused for my liking.
He was typing like lightening I could barely keep up with the rapid movement of his thumbs as they farted across his screen aggressively. I furrowed my eyebrows at him but looked away and carried on eating.

'Your turn next?' Phil joked and I tried to force out a giggle, ignoring the pang of pain that stabbed at my heart as he spoke.

'Maybe one day' I chuckled and he smiled at me, pouring some more water into my glass that I held out for him.

'Ronnie will love having a little friend' Phil smiled and I couldn't help but smile back, little Ronnie was so adorable and I was almost just as excited as Phil seemed to be to see another mini footballer running around the place.

I shuffled in my seat and looked back over at Jack, his phone was now placed on the table and he was in deep conversation with Kyle. His phone suddenly flashed up with a notification and I couldn't help but peer over at it. My heart skipped a beat as I saw the text message from his agent.

JP: Man City transfer in the works

I barely had time to comprehend what was happening before my feet were carrying me out of the restaurant and into the car. I took my key out of my pocket and jumped in, sitting in the back where Jack and I had spent many evenings together. I took a deep breath and suddenly felt my cheeks becoming wet with my tears.
Manchester? Surely not? He wouldn't up and move us to Manchester without saying anything would he? A million questions were rushing through my head, I turned to look out the window and saw Jack walking over to the car with a frown on his face. I sighed and slouched back in my chair as he headed over to the car, climbing in next to me.

'What's up?' He asked, a concerned look covering his face as he gazed over at me.

I didn't say anything, only stayed still in the seat, looking down at my lap. Jack huffed and joined me in my slouched position.

'You can't expect me to make it better if you don't tell me' he explained and I rolled my eyes chuckling at the irony associated with the idea he could make this better.

'Sage for god sake please just talk to me' he begged.


His face dropped and I couldn't help but role my eyes again, looking back out of the window. How could he not even mention that it was a topic of discussion between him and his manager, he didn't have to tell me it was final but a heads up would have been appreciated.

'Nothings official yet' he mumbled and I scoffed sitting up in my seat to look at him.

'As if that's the point Jack! Why wouldn't you tell me? Does the word fiancé mean nothing to you?' My voice was raised as I spoke and I watched as my words sunk into him.

'I was waiting until I new for sure' he followed on, he suddenly shrunk down again seeming so small in the car compared to my enormous rage that was building around the situation.

'Oh so you were just going to up and move us without giving me a choice? My life is here Jack!'

'Am I not worth moving for?' He raised and I could feel the venom building in me at his words.

'Don't start' I groaned 'fuck this' I added stepping out of the car and walking off down the road.

I could hear Jack shouting for me as I walked off but I was too far into my enraged state to care. I needed to process all of this and at this point I wasn't sure I was able to. I can't move to Manchester, Megan is here, my whole future is herr, London is my future it's my home and if Jack thinks I'm up and leaving just for football, he's got another thing coming.

Hiiii - tryna get an update everyday or atleast every other day! Let me know what you think <<33

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