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Sage's P.O.V

I'd been walking the streets for over an hour when I decided to ring Megan. She told me to head over to Masons house and I did just that. Jumping on the train I headed down to Chelsea. I tried to keep my head down on the train as best I could, focusing on my phone but ignoring the frequent messages and calls from Jack. I honestly couldn't face him.

The train pulled up at my stop and I walked off keeping my head low as I wondered out of the station and got into a taxi

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The train pulled up at my stop and I walked off keeping my head low as I wondered out of the station and got into a taxi. After fifteen minutes of driving we pulled up outside Masons house and I wondered in, knowing full well if I knocked they'd only wonder why.

'Manchester? Why? Jacks a Villa boy through and through' Megan was just as confused as I was as we sat on the bed watching Mason attempt and fail to assemble a cot.

'I don't get this ducking thing' Mason groaned banging a piece of wood against another in a bid to make it magically come together.

'It would help if you didn't put the bottom of the bed against the sides' Megan giggled and I smiled shaking my head.

Mason gave up and came over to sit with us, wrapping his arms around Megan's waist whilst placing his head on her shoulder. I smiled at the sight of them, happy that Megan had finally found someone who matched her perfectly.

'I don't know what to tell you Sage, footballers transfer all the time it was bound to happen sooner or later' he paused and scanned my face, making sure it was okay for him to carry on with what he was saying, I smiled at him and he continued. 
'He's reached the top at Villa, he needs a new challenge now, and as much as I wish he'd come to Chelsea' he giggled and patted himself on the back with a grin before he carried on.
'Manchester will be an amazing opportunity for him, it's incredible really'

I fully understood what Mason was saying and I knew that deep down I was being unreasonable by not atleast talking to him but I was angry he hadn't told me before. I definitely still needed time to process all of this new information, to get my head around the prospect of potentially moving my entire life to Manchester, but I at least felt calm enough to go home. I stood up and headed downstairs, Megan and Mason following behind me.

'You gonna be okay chicka?' Megan asked, bringing me in for a hug, I nodded against her body as we hugged.

'I'll drive you home, don't get the train this late' Mason pointed to the clock and I span around suddenly realising it was nearly midnight. I agreed to letting Mason drive me home, not particularly wanting to get on the train at this hour.

'Thanks for the lift' I smiled at Mason as I jumped out of the car, I shut the door and the window rolled down, turning on my heels I looked back at Mason.

'Just listen to what he has to say' he smiled at me and I nodded, unlocking the house door and walking in.

All of the lights in the house were off except the one lamp in the living room. I wondered in and saw Jack passed out on the sofa, a bottle of beer in his hand. I sat down on the end of the sofa with a sigh and watched as he stirred in his sleep, rolling onto his back with a sniffle.
I gently brushed some of the hairs out of his face that had fallen into his eyes as he rolled.

'Jack' I whispered, his eyes opened slowly and I showed him a small smile as he looked at me, his brown eyes were slightly blood shot and I could tell he'd been crying.

'Where have you been' he replied, his face was still, there wasn't really any sign of any emotion other than upset.

'I needed to clear my head' I admitted and he scoffed rolling his eyes and sitting up, putting the bottle of beer down on the table with a huff.

'You needed to clear your head? So I have to stay here until midnight worried fucking sick that something awful has happened!?' He began to shout and I coward into myself feeling embarrassed.

'Jack I'm sorry but it was all launched onto me so quickly I needed a minute' I was doing my best to keep the situation calm but it didn't seem to be working.

'We'll now you've got plenty of time because I'm done with this shit' Jack finalised the conversation and walked off.
I stayed absolutely still, afraid that if I moved I would sob and come apart once more.

I heard the bedroom door slam and felt my entire body release, tears spilling from my eyes and sobs falling from my mouth. I was powerless to stop the waves of emotion that were taking over my body.
I laid down on the sofa, the blanket along the back still smelt like Jack as I wrapped it around my body.
I closed my eyes but continued to cry until there was nothing more to give but empty sobs and shivers flowing through my body.

I must have fallen asleep on the sofa because I was suddenly aware of arms around my body and a gentle swaying motion. I opened my eyes slightly and saw Jack carrying me up to bed. He placed me on the bed and wrapped the covers around me, snuggling up next to me. I smiled to myself.
It didn't seem to matter how mad at each other me ans Jack became, we always found our way back to each other without needing to say anything and that was how I knew that I was head over heals in love with this boy.

'I love you Sage' he whispered from behind me and I felt his warm lips press against the back of my neck.

'I love you too Jack' I replied and I knew I'd made him jump by the way his arms wrapped tighter around me. I held onto his hands and fell asleep wrapped in his embrace. Feeling safe and secure.

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