Chapter 15

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"Okay, little monster. Time for baby to go down to sleep" Erinna said while scooting up from my chest and taking off the robe. She wore tight booty shorts and a cropped top that only she could look good in.

She gently took Milana into her arms and patted her back gently.

Milana began to laugh hysterically. I'm guessing those pat backs made her ticklish.

Her laughing fits began to slow down and her eyes began to drop. Erinna held her close to her chest and started sing a lullaby.

We were about to go to bed until we heard her first words...


Milana said her first words half asleep.

My heart filled with so much love and affection that I had never felt before. I looked at Erinna and we both smiled widely. Erinna leaned into me and hugged me tightly. Hugging each other until our breaths were even. My little angel was sleeping on my chest.

I went to bed officially being a 'Dada'

and I wouldn't change it for the world


Erinna's POV:

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Erinna's POV:

I start to wake up from my never ending dream filled with rainbows and unicorns. I feel soft snores on chest and hands wrapped around my waist. I also felt something playing with my hair.

I opened my eyes to see a sleeping Alexandros on my stomach and a slobbering Milana sucking on my hair while making more knots on the ends.

Aye díos mío... this little girl will be the death of me.

I slowly scooch up, attempting to not wake up Alexandros and sat up. His body now laying on my legs and his head on my lap.

Milana looked at me funny as my hair left her mouth and a small cry came out. "Why are you crying my love?" I asked her quietly and her brown orbs looked at me. Her small pointer finger pointed at Alexandros in his sleeping form.

"Dada" she said sadly as an awe came out of me.

"Dada is sleeping, we must keep quiet for him" I said to her. She didn't like my response and started to cry.

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