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I look up to see the classroom door while scribling circles on my notebook as I hear someone barge in...

"Your are 15 mins late master Jungkook", said Mrs. Min, stern yet scared....for her job offcourse.

"So..? It's not like I am gonna listen to your bullshit anyways..", he said nonchalantly yet cold. Wow...talk about being respectful...

Kim Jungkook, the school's biggest bully and heartthrob, he himself is the devil,really dangerous... Atleast that's what I got to know since I joined this school a week ago. I don't know the reason behind my transfer, it's just that my mom told me to because it is the top school in Korea. Well back to the devi- I mean Jungkook..no one dares to speak against him, not even teachers, because his father is the owner of this school...
One word and you are fired...

If you want your highschool life to be peaceful,stay away from  them.....
He and his brothers.....The BTS.

We had an eye contact as he was looking for a seat, I quickly look down at my notebook.. scared.
And he starts walking towards me with a ....smirk?
As I hear his footsteps getting closer, I start drawing the circles more rapidly on my notebook untill the paper tore.. out of fear...


Soon,the sound of his footsteps stopped, he stopped right beside me, staring at me asking me to move throught his eyes...I quickly slid to the side near the wall the bench was in contact with. He sits down trapping me between him and the wall.

I started looking around for any other empty seats...not that I was gonna ask him to move but to clarify that I am not his next target.

Why would he bully me though? I am Y/n. Just a normal girl...nothing out of the ordinary. I might appear like a nerd that I am not, but an introverted quiet girl. I am NOT shy..and I don't have any friends because I don't want to.

As I was looking around, my eyes found an empty seat next to....what's her name again? Ah it's Yuri...Now I get it.

Yuri...the queenka of this school and a fangirl of Jungkook. She doesn't let any other girl near him...and if someone does..she bullies the hell Outta them. No one would like to sit near plastic right?

I found her glaring at me... Great! Just great!
Now I have to sit beside the Satan's spawn while dealing with the piercing glare of his No. 1 fangirl.


Finally the bell rang indicating my freedom from this suffocating air.
Yuri wouldn't stop glaring at me while this devil was sitting beside me with his head on the table  sleeping...

OH GOD?!? How am I supposed to get out of here with this devi- boy sleeping!?! Today just isn't my day I guess....


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