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I lay on my bed as Jin walks out of my room, thinking of the event that I just witnessed. Jin, KIM SEOKJIN, just dressed MY wound.

It felt...so warm..I felt like I was with him again..

I close my eyes, thinking about my life....AGAIN.
But this time, I wasn't planning to stay away from them, or from Jin I might say. I have seen the look of concern in his eyes before, and I saw it again today, that means he has a heart.

Of course he does you idiot! Everyone does!!

Uh..yeah..everyone does, but not all of them show that they care, and the people who recieve such care from such people, are really special to them.

Or maybe, they care because their life depends on it.
Dad will kill them if he comes to know that you got harmed.

Way to ruin my mood huh? Whatever, I chose to stay as far from them as possible, but now, I think I might try to get close to them.

I can identify people's personality if I try to, and now, I exactly know what I have to do. I'll get close to Seokjin, it will increase my chances to survive in this hell hole for longer. Seokjin is the oldest, so his brothers won't go against him, right?

I go downstairs, it was almost time for dinner, and mom and Mr. Kim were about to return home. That means I can finally hug my mom and have dinner like a happy family.


Here I was, sitting on the dinner table, between mom and an empty chair because 'oh! Who would even like to sit beside a bitchy step sister!'

"So y/n, how was your day? You left early right?"
Mr. Kim asks.

"It was good" I say, as bored as the atmosphere in the dinning room.

"That's great! " He said, with a smile on his face.
Mr. Kim, was a great person, and a good role model. He was a good dad figure, I noticed that the very first day I met him.

"Yeah, really great!" I hear Jimin say, words reeking of sarcasm.

"Oh! Really Jimin? How was your day?" Mr. Kim asked.

"What do you think? It was same as always, but I had a nerd sister this time hanging around." He said...


"Jimin! You don't talk about your sister like that!"

"What sister huh? She is not my sister!"


Oh no, they are having a fight because of me..

I squeeze my mom's hand, which was under mine, and it takes no time for her to understand.

"It's okay honey, let it be, they'll need time.."

My mom said, handling the situation.

Jimin huffs in annoyance and continues eating his dinner. I glance at Jin, he was sitting there, not even bothered, like his brothers. I think I misunderstood his behaviour earlier, but that won't stop me trying to get along with them. I need to survive here, as long as possible.

We all have our dinner, and I go to bed after freshening up. I have school tomorrow, I gotta sleep right? Even though my foot hurts like HELL! I can't miss my school.

I slowly open my eyes, shifting in my bed, I look at the time, and my eyes wide open. I am late!! I have to walk to school for like 30 mins before I take the bus! I will get detention today for sure! All my efforts to not get a detention? Wasted.

I quickly get ready and get downstairs in hurry. I see my dad and my so-called stepbrothers having breakfast. They were all so calm amd quiet, It was very boring to be honest. Do they always stay this calm? There life needs some noise..

I start walking to the door when I hear something.

"Stop right there!" And surprisingly, I stop.
It was Mr. Kim.

"Where do you think you are going?"

"To school?"

"What about your breakfast? And how do you plan to go to school?"

"Uh..I am not hungry, and I am late, I gotta catch the bus!"

"Stop right there!"
And I stop again.

Gosh! What's wrong with me?!

"Come here and have your breakfast" he says, in a stern voice. His voice just works like magic, I find myself following his commands. There's something in his tone, a kind of strictness.

"But dad-"

"No buts! Have your breakfast, you will go to school with your brothers"

As soon as he said that, I hear a few coughs and chokes in the room.

"What!? No!" Taehyung speaks out.

"Not with her!" I hear Jungkook.

"Yeah! I don't want to go in the same car as her!" Jimin exclaims.

"Dad.." I hear Jin say, trying to pursue his dad, to not force them to take me to school with them.

My heart breaks into millions of pieces, as I see a look of hatred in everyone's eyes, just because of the thought of taking me to school with them. Am I this bad?

"I don't know and I don't care! You are her brothers and it's your responsibility to take care of your sister!"

"Sister my foot!" I hear Yoongi murmur.

"I am tired of this shit!" Hoseok says under his breath.

My eyes were at the verge of tears. I blink as much as I could to stop them.

As I open my mouth to say something, the rooms fills with a spine chilling silence. Dad was glaring at them.

"Fine, we will drop her" I hear Namjoon, trying his best to calm the atmosphere.
Heyo! How was it? Hope it was good! Hehe, also, I was thinking that if you guys have any questions about your author, you could ask me, like, you should know your author well right? Hehe, thanks for you love and support! Do vote and comment! I love you all soo much! Bye!!

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