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I return to my safe place, my room, nothing feels more relaxing than plopping down on your bed all fresh after a long and rough day. I fall straight on my bed, being engulfed by the cloudy soft mattress. I try not to think of whatever happened today, but my stupid mind isn't stable enough. It keeps thinking about it.

A lot happened today, that bastard kissed me forcefully, Jimin punched the shit out of him and Hoseok hugged me, for the first time...

I let out a weary sigh, I am not able to function well these days. Now all I need to do is to stay in this room and wait till mom arrives. But my fate decided something else. I hear a rumble in my stomach.

Wow, just great!

Now, let's plan out our mission shall we? I quietly sneak out of my room, and walk down the stairs in a way that no one will be able to notice me. I find my way to heaven, I am talking about the kitchen, the only good place in this hell after my room. I open the fridge to find nothing else but a bottle of banana milk.

Cool, I love banana milk!

I quickly take the banana milk and drink it all. It was delicious. As I turn around to throw the empty bottle away, I get startled by a wide-eyed Jin standing right behind me.

"What the-"

"Did you just drink his banana milk!?"

I was quiet shocked and taken aback by his exclamation, this was the first time I was sewing an expression other than that cold and rude one. But he soon recovers his face once he realizes that he is being himself.

Being himself....

"His banana milk?" I asked, as clueless I could ever be.

I hear a deafening shout, I close my ears quickly in reflex.

"Well, best of luck y/n" Jin says and walks away. WALKS AWAY!

"THE HELL! You finished all of my banana milk you bi-"

"No cursing in this house young man" Jin remarks from the door.

"What!? Hyung!? She drank all of my banana milk!?" he whines.

Is he for real right now? Why is he whining like a 10 year old!?

"That's none of my problem kook" Jin says, one last time and walks away.

Now I am left alone, with this infuriated bunny-

Bunny? Seriously y/n? You are about to die!

" yah! Who told you to drink MY banana milk without MY permission!?"

I try my best to not laugh at him, he was really behaving like a kid right now...and I was not scared at all, I think I am habituated to them.

"Um....my stomach?" I reply, making him more angry.

Okay, I am not at all habituated to them. I am scared.... Mom, save me.

"What's happening here?"  I hear another voice,  this time, it was Hoseok.

"Just wait till I find you alone bitch" Jungkook  says, and walks away.

And here I  again, in this awkward silence with one of my stepbrothers, who I was just hugging as if my life depended on it a wile ago.

But now, you at least know that Hoseok cares right?

" I wanted to talk about what happened in school today..." He trails off.

"Don't think anything else, I just hugged you because I wanted to show that boy that he can't hurt you anymore, I don't care for you, it was just so that the Kim's reputation doesn't ruin."

He says that, with an extremely chilling voice, and that resting cold expression. And soon, turns around and leaves as if nothing happened.

I was standing there, not sad or heartbroken but in anticipation. The little flame of that hope of having loving brothers again was somehow fueled again.

I smile to myself and say this in my mind.
He does care...

I throw that bottle away in the trash can and go to my room, standing in front of the mirror, I, smile to myself and think...

I think about every moment and interaction I had with the Kim brothers.

And now, I know that they have a heart, that they are normal just like me. They have feelings and emotions.

Do you finally realize what I have been trying to tell you all along?

I smile to myself for the third time. I do, and now, I will color their lives, not because you are asking me to, but because I want to.

If there is even a little bit of hope for me and my mom to be  happy again, then I'll try and give my best.

Author-nim in your area! Lol, hey! This is today's chapter, I think it was a little boring, but don't worry, I'll try my best and create a fun chapter next time. Do vote and comment! Love you lots!!

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