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"what would you like to have?"  The guy at the counter asks me as he gives me a gentle smile.

"We would like to have a cookie and cream milkshake, chocolate fudge milkshake and a banana milkshake, all in large, thanks" I give out our order. Three only because someone spent her entire allowance on Banana milk. 

I walk back and sit on the table where the rest of them are sitting. I see Ra-Im talking about her hamster and a silent Junghoon who is listening intently, while Jungkook is scrolling away on his phone.

"Oh y/niee! Why aren't you having one?" Ra-Im asks as soon as I get seated.

"Uhh I don't feel like having one" I say, not telling them the actual reason. 
I hear a scoff beside me, that was Junghoon.

"Wasn't it your idea anyways?" Junghoon asks, getting Jungkook's attention in the conversation.

"Well yea but-" I get cut off when Jungkook suddenly stands up and gives me a sharp look which says "follow me"

"Uhh give me a minute" I say, following Jungkook towards the counter.

"Pick one" he orders me as soon as I reach the counter.

"What-!?" I am shook.

Is he going to buy me a milkshake?

"I told you to pick one. I am buying you a milkshake."

"No, it's okay, you already bought me lunch, you don't need do."
I let out, I don't want him to buy me a milkshake, makes me feel dependent on him in some sense.

"If I tell you to pick one, you pick one." He says, in a sharp tone, through his gritted teeth.
I notice him clenching his jaw.

Okay y/n, just pick one.

"Um.. brownie fudge-?"

I see him raise his eyebrow.

"Y-yea! The brownie fudge milkshake." I stutter out, I don't really want him to get angry on me.

He turns his neck to the guy on the counter, giving him a glare that makes him shiver.

"You heard her" he says in a cold tone.

"C-coming right up!"

He starts walking back, I soon follow him.

We soon sit back on the table, Ra-Im is shockingly silent this time. Junghoon shares a slightly concerned look with me while I assure them that everything's fine.

Jungkook parks the car as we reach to the mansion. Relief washes over me, thinking that I will finally be able to get on my bed and relax a little bit.

I was in a life or death situation a few minutes ago, literally.

As soon as I reach for the door handle, I hear the a "click" sound, meaning that the car has been locked by him.


Shivers run down my spine and I start to sweat profusely.

What does he want now!? Why did he lock the doors!?

I hear him clearing his throat. "I am going to buy you lunch from now onwards until you get your allowance. You don't need to stay hungry because you are poor."


"I am not poor! And you don't need to. I can manage well on my own."

"How so? I already saw you attempting to skip a meal." He says, in a mocking tone.

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