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I look at that boy-cum-devil infront of me.

Okay y/n, don't let him know that you are scared of him, you get that?


"Don't call me that", I said quietly but with confidence, that I don't even know, where it came from.

"Call you what lil' sis?", Okay....


He is clearly trying to annoy you, which is NOT his thing.

"Nothing, BIG BRO", I said,  This time flying high with the wings of confidence.

I saw him clenching his jaw, eyes darkening, and then I hear him growl.

Is he a werewolf or something?!?

"Don't, or you will regret it"

And all that confidence left my body, as a deer would run away from a lion.

I gulped and looked towards the board, and that annoying smirk on his face resurfaced.

He hates me...they all hate me..they will always do...

Somehow, the little ray of hope that I had in my heart, to feel the brotherly love, died.

I tried my best to not tear up, blinking continuously, focusing on the board, while the boy doesn't give a banana about me, probably thinking of the ways he and his brothers would torture me once I move in.

Gosh! What's taking the teacher so long today??!

"You know, we never agreed to the marriage, so don't you even dare get full of yourself thinking that we want a bit*h like you as our sister."

He said with a cold voice, in a bitter tone.

Now, he is just adding fuel to the fire.

Calm down y/n...chill...

Soon, the teacher arrived and the lesson went on, with this bastard sleeping beside me.

I open my locker only to find a note.

                        'come to the roof top'

I kinda expected this, I just hope they don't ask me to cancel the wedding. I don't want to go through the same shit again.....

I go to the roof top, with my heart beating at such a speed that it can come out of me any minute, that too through my mouth.

Once I reached there, I saw them standing, waiting for me.

"Look, the slut is here", Taehyung said, looking at me with hate-filled eyes.

Soon, their attention turned towards me. I stood there, intimidated by their stares, more like glares.

"We want you to know, that we never wanted this marriage, so don't go around telling everyone that we are your brothers." Namjoon said.

"Step-brothers" Jimin let out.

"And stay away from us, don't get involved in our business", Yoongi said, shockingly, for the first time I heard him say something.

As if I want to poke my nose in your shady business.

I just nodded with my head low.

"Look, the bit*h is scared. So pathetic you are."
I hear Jimin say.

I stand there, closing my eyes tightly.

That's too much.

They were saying it as if I always wanted to be their sister, as if I was happy to be their sister


I also hated it, I also was going through the same thing. But I don't have a say in this, because they are the owners, the so-called bullies of the school, while I was just a stupid, pathetic and quite girl.

"We would never want to have a slutty step-sister like you" Taehyung said, with very bitter words.

Yeah, I was pathetic, since the very beginning. I was that ugly ass pathetic bitch that no one liked. I tried to deny it, as much as I could, but my introverted personality couldn't take all the blame. I was a loner, not because I couldn't make friends, but because no one wanted to be friends with a pathetic bitch like me.

I just stood there, clenching my jaw, I always hated myself for the dumb useless shit I was. I always knew deep within, that I was useless and I couldn't take it anymore....

They never wanted a sister like me thay say....

Well, too bad, they are exactly going to get that.....

So....I am NOT changing y/n's character, NOT AT ALL, but there will be some character development. If you are expecting her to be a badass then I am sorry I can't help it, but you will sure get some glimpses of badass y/n.

Hope you all like today's chapter!! Feel free to tell me any suggestions if you like, I'll try my best to get it in the story, although no one messages me *cries while smiling*. It's okay, I still love you a lot!!

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