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I wake up, rolling around and stretching my body in bed. My eyes feel swollen. 

Oh, I cried last night.

My eyes widen in shock as I realised that I cried last night

Hugging dad.

Oh no.

I don't want to step out of my room. But I can't help it, school's important afterall.
I let out a sigh and step out of my bed, on the cold floor. I feel chills travel through my body, and reality starts to settle in. I remember everything that happened yesterday, the banana milk, the garden, dad.

How could you y/n? How could you!?

I don't want to go outside. I want to dig a hole and bury myself and never get out of it. I want to surround myself in darkness and die.

I walk to my bathroom and splash water on my face. I get ready for school, wearing sweatpants and a hoodie that will help me hide.

Of course I bathed, I can't stand feeling icky all day.

I don't even have enough money to buy myself lunch today, I spent all of it buying banana milk for that ungrateful brat. I'll have to skip lunch today and also walk to school and back, I can't stand being within the same area as those guys now.

I walk downstairs, carefully so that I don't stumble and fall. I feel my head heavy due to all that crying last night. I walk downstairs. Skipping my trip to the dinning area, I send a text to my mom telling her that I am leaving for school since I have to work on a project.
The partners will be announced today.

I get out of the mansion, greeting the guard a little 'good morning'. He deserves that much.

I start my walk to school, I'll have to walk for 45 minutes to reach school in time. I hope I get to school safely.

Or not.
It would be better if I get kidnapped on my way to school.

Shaking off any thoughts, I focus on the road, walking as fast as possible. Soon after, I hear someone following me. I increase my pace, being aware of my surroundings, eyeing every possible thing that I might use for defence.

I soon feel two arms on my shoulder. I turn around and as I was about to slap the guy, I realise that it's Junghoon.

"Yah! You scared the shit out of me! Are you nuts?"

I shout at him, trying to calm my furious heart.

"Sorry, I was trying to catch up to you but you walk fast for a shorty"

"A what!?"

"Shorty ..?" 

"I am not a shorty!"

"Are you not?" He says, eyeing me up and down.

"Yeah, you are"

Now this made me furious.

"You have three seconds to run." I say, and he looks at me as if I am kidding.

Oh he better.

"Oh! I am scared."


"You aren't serious right?"


"Wait what?"


I start running, as fast as I can. I hear a scream from Junghoon. He starts running to school as well.

"Yah yn-ah! We can talk this out!  Stop!"

"You had the chance you tall cold-hearted creature!"

I charge towards him at full speed, but my short legs couldn't help me any further. Tired, I stop and pant with my hands on my knees.

I hear him stop and start panting as well, I take the chance and lounge at him, pulling his hair.

"Ouch- you short girl, get off!"

"NO, you called me short huh? See what this short girl can do now!"

"Yah! Stop! You'll make me go bald!"

"What are you guys doing?"

We both look to our side as we hear Yejun, shocked.

Then I realise that I am on Junghoon's back, my fists full of his hair.

I quickly climb down.

"Um...nothing. Let's go, we have to reach school. The teacher will announce our project partners today."

"Nothing!? You were on your way to make me go bald!"

"Shut up!"

I yell out and start walking, sure the my cheeks are as red as a tomato.

I sigh as I take a seat in class. Jungkook isn't here yet. I don't want to face him.
I turn around and ask Junghoon I can change seats with him.


"What? Why?"

He points towards his head.

"I know it's empty, but that's no reason for you to not let me sit beside me friend Yejun here."

He glares at me.

"The stunt your idiotic self tried to pull a while back has not been forgotten. I am not switching seats with you."

I give out a sigh and turn around, laying my head on the bench. I feel a poke on my shoulder. I look up to Yejun, who was smiling.

"You can change your seat with me. I don't want to sit beside this weird guy anyways."
Yejun says.

"What did you just call me?" We hear Junghoon sulking behind us, which we ignore.

"Really? Thanks a lot!" I smile at Yejun. He is the best.

I sit beside Junghoon, who then asks me to sit near the wall, inside so the he can escape and run away easily if I try something like that again.

I roll my eyes and sit inside, just when Jungkook arrives. He looks at me and glares at Junghoon.

"What do you think you are doing?" He asks in a sharp voice.

I blink twice and point a finger towards me.


His eyes darken.

Oh no.

"Umm I am sitting beside him for today. You can sit beside Yejun. He is a nice guy, he won't disturb you."

"No. You sit beside me."

"What? Why?"

"Did you not hear me y/n? You sit beside me."

I feel helpless, as if I have to obey him. I let out a sigh and switch my seat with Yejun, who looks at me with sad eyes and mouths a sorry.

Junghoon just stays calm, analysing the situation.

"It's fine is she sits beside me you know? Why do you care so much?" Junghoon says, trying to save me from that Bunny.

Jungkook glares at Junghoon, one of the deadliest glares I have ever seen. Surprisingly, Junghoon isn't even phased.

What now?

"I want her to sit beside me. That's it. Stay away from her."

Jungkook says through his gritted teeth. A chill runs down my spine. I try to break them up.

"I-its okay! Look, I am already seated here, stop it."

Jungkook glances at me and gives me a nod.

"You have nowhere to run y/n. I forgive you for what you did yesterday. But don't try anything else."

He forgives me?

He forgives me?

Hey guys, I am so sorry I haven't been updating. I am very busy. I hope you like today's part. I'll try to update as soon as possible. Thanks for cooperating. And please let me know how you feel about the story so far since I need motivation to write it.
Love you all!

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