17- Don't be silly Jasrah

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"Faryal you know everything in life has to do with time, one day a lot of people will proudly tell your story to others, some will even lie of being related to you in one way or the other, this life is not a movie my dear but it is Allah's promise to all mankind, everyone shall reap the fruit of his labor and what you sow is what you will harvest sooner or later." Uncle DanAsabe said making his fire because it's almost time for evening sales.

"I believe in what you said Uncle and i pray it happened the way we are both expecting. Yesterday i heard Ayra and Ya Jasrah talking about something terrible i luckily escaped they both thought i was sleeping but thankfully i heard them and i didn't hesitate thanking Allah for that favor, surely Allah is the best." She elucidate returning her note books into her bag, it's Thursday there is no conduction for Islamiyyah classes until Saturday as usual so instead of staying at home witnessing terrible things she always come for lesson at her Uncle's place."

"Hmm, wonders that shall never ends more especially at Inna Ladi's house, so tell me what did you escaped this time around." He asked laughingly.

"Uncle can you imagine? Inna wanted to send me to Uncle Zubair's house to be one of Aunt Jamila's maids, thankfully Ya Jasrah took the offer claiming that i don't deserve it, it will be of their own progress if she go there as a maid because she will be getting a lot of money and good food, i heard them discussing the topic when Ayra was trying to discourage Ya Jasrah about taking the offer considering the fact that it's our Uncle's house, the kids there are our cousins so they will blatantly look down on her specially."

"Ya hayyu Ya qayyum....Congratulations Faryal, you deserve a congrats on this, what a mean thought, Inna Ladi wanted to embarrassed you by sending you there but Alhamdulillah Allah is not a cheat to his servant , He turned it back on them but low key he made them blind they can't see it, wallahi Faryal that Jasrah of a girl will woefully regret taking herself there because of how she will be treated especially from that Raniya of a girl." Shockingly he spoke full of wonders.

"Exactly Uncle, that was what i heard Ayra telling her yesterday but Ya Jasrah being herself she isn't willing to listen and me being me i decided to stop involving my self in anything that has to do with her, she didn't even listen to Ayra talk-less of me."

"Masha Allah Faryal you've take a very good decision my girl and guess what? Insha Allah you will be in less trouble day by day, let her go, it's her life, she knows the truth yet keeps lying to herself because of the love she have for worldly things, she will soon learn her lesson, if she knows her value as a human she will won't take it and by not taking it means  dropping the job."

"I pray she will realize it soon before it becomes late, i even remember when we went to Family house during Eid, Ya Luqman was the only friendly one among them even when Goggo Laraba (Their grand father's third wife) brought food He was the only one that ate the food, i heard Raniya telling that he ate cholera and he should get ready to take his self to the hospital cos their driver is taking her to her friend's house."

"Hmm, my dear she will see it soon, forget about her, are you coming tomorrow? He asked

"Yes Uncle Insha Allah, i will come, you know we are not yet done with the simultaneous equation and Teacher said we should expect it in our exams."

"What? we have to be fast about it, what of Adeela did she learned it before you? how comes?"

"No uncle, Adda Nadiya is there for her, she is teaching her."

"Alright, that's good, you should go and practice the first equation we solved today using formula one and three, we will cover the rest tomorrow Insha Allah."

"Okay, Thank you Uncle, i will do as you said,  i have to go now cos i can see my time is over, it's time the customers, May Allah grant you the ability to sell all what you bring out for sell here."

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