• f o u r t e e n •

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It was a quiet and soft day. Rain hit the windows ever so softly and it calmed Shoyo down a bit. It's been a while since the accident and his sister was doing well.

She was going to be out of the hospital in a few days but still needed rest at home. He missed his boyfriend a lot. They haven't talked in person since the accident.
I wonder how he is.

The ginger picked up his phone and looked through his contacts. His eyes wondered over to his best friends name, Kenma. He decided to FaceTime him, it's been a while since they talked, too.

It rang a few times, then he finally picked up. "Hey, Sho. What's up?" And there Kenma was, sitting at his computer. The sound of the bicolored males keyboard was nothing new to Shoyo.

"Hey Kozu, what're you playing?" Kenma's cat like eyes was glued to the screen in front of him but Hinata always knew he was listening.

"Uhh- give me a second. HEY, HEY! COVER ME, YOU IDIOT- NO! SHIT!" Kenma was playing Valorant, Sho guessed. "Valorant?" Kenma shook his head. "COD. Kuroo asked me to try it." Hinata mouthed an 'O'.

"How is he by the way? Is he okay?"  Kenma finally looked at his phone and sighed. "He's okay, he's worried about Natsu, I am, too." Hinata let out a heavy breath and turned to his side, "She's doing better. She's getting out of the hospital in few days."

"That's great...Hey, Sho?"

"Yeah, kozu?"

"Talk to Kuroo today, please. He's been a bit weird, and not in a good way."

Hinata stayed silent. Weird? Huh, now that Shoyo thinks about it, they're talks are getting shorter. And it seems Tetsuroo is a bit more nervous when they talk.

Shoyo finally answered with an 'ok, I'll check him.' And they went back to their regular talking.
It's weird how Kenma can't even talk to him.

It's a bit passed 10pm and Shoyo finally thought to give Kuroo a call. He let it ring for a while but no answer. He called again, no answer. Another call. Again, no answer.

That really is weird.

Why isn't he answering? Is he busy? Is already asleep?

But either which way, He always answered. Shoyo decided to test his luck and called again. He let it ring once. Then twice. And then-

"Hello? Sho? Are you okay, babe?"

Hinata sighed, "Hey! Yeah, I'm ok. Why weren't you answering?" Kuroo laid on his bed, "I was in the shower. Just got out." Now that Hinata got a good look at his lover, his hair did look wet.

"Oh. Well, I was just calling to check on you. Kenma said you've been weird." Kuroo sighed, "Yeah, I've been uh... sick. The medicines making me a bit fuzzy."

"Sick? How sick? You feeling better?"

"I've been doing better for the past few days. It's was just a cold." Hinata smirked, "and here I thought you would never get sick." Kuroo had a smile on his face, too.

"Yeah, I thought I was healthy. But hey, at least I'm not dying!"

They stayed quiet for a while. A comfortable silence.

"How's Natsu doing? She doing better?"

Hinata yawned, "yeah, she doing better. Getting out of the hospital in a few days time." Kuroo nodded, "that's great, babe! Why don't I come over when she comes out of that place and we can celebrate her getting better?"

There's the Kuroo Shoyo knew. The non-sick one.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll tell my mom when she gets back home from work tonight. Or tomorrow."

Shoyo yawned again and Kuroo noticed it was a bit longer than last time.

"You should sleep, love. I'll talk to you tomorrow?"

"Ok... talk to you tomorrow."

And with another yawn, they said goodnight and hung up.

⁅ 𝓜𝓲𝓭𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓒𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 ⁆ - 𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚Where stories live. Discover now