・t h r e e・

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chapter〜 3.0

It was Wednesday and Hinata was waiting outside his house. Kuroo was supposedly picking him up with his new car. Hinata was dressed in a red hoodie that had the words 'TMI, dude' on his back and wore white ripped jeans with Checkered vans. 

He was playing a new game, requested by Kenma, on his phone. It wasn't fun, just distracting. Hinata heard the whirring of a car slowing down and looked up.

A black luxury car came to a stop and rolled down the passenger window. "Get in loser, we're going shopping." Hinatas jaw dropped, Kuroo was sitting in the drivers seat of this car.

"Damn, did your parents buy you this?" Kuroo shook his head, "It was all me, bitch. Now, let's go!" 

Hinata quickly hopped in and they took off at a fast speed. "Wow, dude. This is way cool." Hinata beamed. Leather seats, a heater, this car was epic!

"Ok, you had you're look around, now put on your seat belt." Hinata sat back down and buckled up. "So, where we going?" 

"I said we're going shopping. The mall, dingus." Kuroo said that like it was obvious. Hinata that he just that mean girls quote to be "cool".

"For real? Shit, you rich or what?" Hinata was kidding but Kuroo nodded. "Well, damn. Fuck me gently with a chainsaw." 

Kuroo laughed his hyena laugh and Hinata shrunk in his seat. "Fucking hyena, Shut da fuck up." Hinata hit punched Kuroo in the shoulder multiple times. "H-Hey! Stop!" Rooster hair post up and shoved The smol child away.

The both of them laughing half way through the ride. It was around 3 pm and it was fucking cold out there. Like colder than winters tit. 

The mall wasn't jam packed, surprisingly. They went the parking garage and parked at the top floor. "It's so fucking cold. And it's summer!" Hinata mumbled. Kuroo tilted his head. "Maybe later winter snow?" 

"Winter was six months ago, dumbass! I'd expect it in March, but damn!" Kuroo patted the shivering boys head, "let's go inside."

(writers note: If you get all the references I'm making, I love you!)

Kuroo dragged Hinata into the huge mall with a happy look on his face. "Where do you wanna go first?" Kuroo paused in the middle of the mall and stared at Hinata. "Can we go to the book store? I've been dying to get new books." 

Kuroo looked at the boy in shock. "A bookstore? Really?! Man, you basic." Hinata looked offended. "At least I can read, dork." 

Kuroo pouted, "You meanie! I can read!" Hinata rolled his eyes.

"Then, I'll buy you a book you'll probably like. Let's go."

-Time skip brought to you by Kuroo's hair gel-

Hinata bought a total of three books, two for him and one for Kuroo, like he promised. "Now, can we go clothe shopping? I wanna get a fresh fit." 

Hinata nodded and followed Kuroo to a clothing store. As they walked in to a store called 'Hills', A pink jacket caught his attention. It had the words "Bye Losers" printed on the front in a cherry red lettering.

The two of them split up and went on their shopping spree. 

-Time skip brought to you by Hinatas hair color-

They had to at least spent hours in the mall. The pink jacket Hinata saw? He fucking got that bitch and called it a mood. Kuroo was driving Hinata home in his badass car while listening to fucking cavetown. 

Hinata hummed along with the song Green whilst looking out the window. A half playlist later, Kuroo stopped in front of Hinatas house.

Hinata unbuckled from his seat. Kuroo's sweat dropped down his forehead. Should he do it? Should he kiss him?

Kuroo looked at distracted Hinata who was on his phone for a few minutes. 

Fuck it.

Just as Hinata looked toward Kuroo, warm lips met his. Hinata was frozen in place but eventually kissed back. They stayed like that for what seemed like minutes before parting.

"I- uh, sorry!" Kuroo muttered out flustered. "I-It's no p-problem!" Hinata was flustered,too. They looked at each other again and went in for another kiss.

After parting the second time Hinata opened the door. "Uhm, I'll call you tonight!" Hinata grabbed his stuff from the backseat and closed the door. 

"B-Bye, Kuroo!..."

"Bye, H-Hinata."

⁅ 𝓜𝓲𝓭𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓒𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 ⁆ - 𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚Where stories live. Discover now