・f i v e・

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chapter〜 5.0

It has been a one good solid day since the embarrassing night and Hinata couldn't stop thinking about Kuroo. He was practically helpless whenever he looked into his eyes.

(writers note: boy you got me helpless~)

In the drift of him doing whatever he was doing, he got a text from 'Kuroooo❤️'. Shoyo blushed when he saw the notification. He had completely forgot he had changed his name to that. 

He tapped on the message and smiled. Today, they were going to play volleyball. It's not like they haven't done it before, but Hinata still needed to get back in the groove of it again. The orange haired boy replied with a short 'Okay got it!' And went back to doing whatever.

"Shoyo darling, are you up?" 

"Yeah, mom! I'm up!" Hinata opened the door to see his mother standing at his door with a glass of water. "Here, Make sure you bring your cup downstairs after alright?" Hinata took the glass and nodded. 

The beautiful woman kissed Hinatas forehead and turned to leave. "Oh! And by the way, Natsu is staying another night at her friends. Make sure you and that new boy don't make a mess in the house!" She waved her son goodbye while he stood there flustered.

"Wha- Mooom-!" Hinata was dumbfounded and shook. He couldn't believe his mom knew about Kuroo sneaking in sometimes. And make a mess? What does she mean by-!

Just as Hinata placed his cup water down, his mind made a monumental discovery he could NOT believe. And that discovery his mom was trying to get him laid. THINK ABOUT IT!

She said Natsu was staying over for another day at her friends, she working really late tonight, and she knows about Kuroo. I mean, best mom ever right? 

BUT, that's beside the point. Kuroo was coming over tonight after a few hours of practicing, and wouldn't be weird to cancel last minute? Like Hinata was trying to dodge getting laid- PfFFt- he would never pass an opportunity with Kuroo-

But as if Hinata could grow the balls to ask to fuck- But he down. 

Hinata went back on his phone and smiled at his background. It's some cheesy shit, but it was Kuroo doing some weird shit and Shoyo thought it was cute.  

"Hmm... What if I just-" There was sudden knock on his window. 

"The fuck... Kuroo?!" Hinata opened the window up and let the black haired male in. "What are doing here? I thought we were practicing later?" 

Kuroo smiled that cute idiotic smile of his. "We are, but I decided to drop by. Sorry, I know it was unexpected!" 

Hinata shook his head, "it's fine. I don't mind you coming over. Kenma is still playing with us right?" 

"Yup! I told him you were coming and instantly said yes." Tetsuroo handed a plastic bag to Shoyo. "Look what's in the bag! I got you the chocolates you like, again."

"For real? Thanks, Kuroo!" Shoyo took the chocolate macadamia box out and started munching down.

"Sorry, did you want some?" Kuroo quietly chuckled, he was laughing at the fact Hinata had chocolate smeared on his mouth. 

"No, I bought them for you. And you got a little something..." Kuroo rubbed his thumb over the side of Shoyos mouth. Being the perv he was, he licked the chocolate off his thumb and he saw Shoyos face turn red.

"D-don't do t-that!"

"What? Are you turned on?" Kuroo was joking mostly, but when he saw the tangerines eyes go wide and dart his attention somewhere else, he totally freaked.

"O-oh I didn't mean-!" Hinata put up his hand to silence Tetsuroo. "I-... It's fine... Tetsuroo." 

"Uhm... W-well if you say so." Kuroo was in shock. Shoyo said his first name and the way he whispered it just... Well you know what it did to Kuroo's dirty mind.

 "What else was in the bag? I-I didn't get to see."

"O-OH! I-It's n-nothing!" Kuroo snatched up the bag before Hinata  could see. Tetsuroo forgot he had bought condoms.

Hinatas reflexes kicked in and grabbed the bag back. "W-wait!" Before Kuroo could stop the shorter male, Shoyo reached down into the plastic bag.

Shoyo pulled out the small square box and examined it, "Wha... Oh my fucking-" 

Kuroo grabbed the tiny box from Hinata and shoved it in its pocket. 

(There's a lot of grabbing here.)

They both sat in silence again, awkward silence this time. "Uhm, wanna watch something?"

Kuroo looked like a complete dork, "S-sure!".

⁅ 𝓜𝓲𝓭𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓒𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 ⁆ - 𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚Where stories live. Discover now