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Shoyo tossed and turned in Kuroo's soft bed all night. After that days events, It was hard to fall asleep without feeling like you were being watched. His apricot curls shielded his eyes from the moonlight that streamed into the room, and for a moment, he thought he saw something move in the window when he shifted to face it more. 'It's ok...nobody's there.' Shoyo thought as he squeezed his fawn eyes shut, trying to leave his worries outside for a night. Only after Kuroo turned onto his side to hug Shoyo, did the shuddering male fall into peaceful sleep. 

Soon after Shoyo drifted off, a nightmare started to brew.  It started off as a normal, foggy, but still clear enough to tell what was happening. Shoyo new the scenery in an instant as soon as the heavy fog cleared. It was Kageyama's house. What was he even doing here? He frantically turned around in the hallway and sprinted to Kageyama's room. Something wasn't right, Hinata knew this. 

As he creaked open the door to the bedroom, he saw his ex sitting there at his desk. Hinata's throat started to feel like sandpaper and every time he tried to breath, it made a burning sensation. 'It's just a dream! It's just a dream!' Shoyo chanted in his head as he watched Kageyama stalk everybody he was in contact with on his laptop. The sound of the keys clacking stopped suddenly. 

Shoyo's stomach turned and did flips of anxiety. His brown eyes stared intently at Kageyama's frame as it slowly started to turn toward him. Hinata couldn't help staring because he was afraid, afraid of Tobio. "I knew you'd come back to me." Tobio was now in front of Shoyo, caressing his kind of pimply skin. "No..." Shoyo began before Tobio leaned down and kissed him. 

And with that, Hinata jolted awake at the feeling of his lips on his again. He didn't like it. The way it...comforted him. 'No! Bad Shoyo! You can't do this! You love Kuroo, you can't do this to him.' He thought as he turned to face his sleeping lover. "I swear, I love you..." Shoyo whispered under his breath as he laid back down. 

He started to drift again, praying for a safe dream this time. 

⁅ 𝓜𝓲𝓭𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓒𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 ⁆ - 𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚Where stories live. Discover now