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Mother Lin came over and took Lin Shi Nuan's hand. She was worried that it was too hard for Lin Shinuan to say these words in person.

  Lin Shinuan felt the warmth from her mother's palm, smiled at her, shook her head and said, "Mom, I'm fine."

  Because she doesn't care, she won't be sad.

  Su Guohua didn't know what to say when asked by Lin Shinuan, and at the same time, he was surprised at the identity of Lin's family. He would never have thought that someone living in this kind of residential housing that is not high-end would have such an identity behind him.

  Li Yumei still didn't believe it, and pulled Su Guohua to ask about the authenticity of Lin Shinuan's words.

  "Spent her tens of millions? Isn't that impossible? If their family is so rich, how could they live in this kind of community? , There are so many and mixed people, where are the high-end villas we live in?"

  "The community you call'multiple and mixed' is the school district room that connects to Nancheng No. 1 Middle School. We live here and it only takes a few minutes. You can get to school in time. I don't know how long it will take to go to school from the "high-end villa" you live in?"

  Lin Shihan's voice sounded coldly behind Li Yumei.

  Li Yumei's expression sunk, remembering that Su Nian had been late for many times because of traffic jams, and she believed Lin Shinuan's words in her heart.

  After scanning around, Su Guohua had to believe that the Lin family was indeed richer than him. Taking out any set of furniture in the house, it would cost tens of millions to buy it. Even the chairs he was sitting on at this time were all fine mahogany chairs.

  Looking at the shopping bags that are often lined up on the sofa, although he is a man, he doesn’t know much about these luxury brands, but he also knows gucci, prada, CHANEL, louis vuitton...

  Li Yumei and Su Nian usually buy a few when they go shopping. It's up to the sky, but there is a whole row on the Lin family's sofa!

  Su Guohua shuddered, knowing that he was shooting himself in the foot this time, and originally wanted to use money to let the Lin family hand over the people, but in their opinion, the'six million' was really used to pass the beggar.

  Maybe he even handed over all 50 million, and they wouldn't blink.

  Money doesn't work in this regard, and Su Guohua can only use bitterness.

  He looked at Lin Shinuan and tried to shake her with family affection: "Su Yi, I am your father after all. I was sorry to your mother at the beginning, but I regret it now, so you can go back with me, okay? "

  Lin Shunian eyes blinked, wryly

   " Oh, I don't want to,  no, to be exact, After my mother died and after you refused to raise me, I have nothing to do with you anymore. "

  Su Guohua said, he didn't think that a person with a soft temperament like Lin Xingyi could give birth to a child with such a tough personality.

   Although the voice was soft and glutinous, the words that were spoken seemed to be taken with a knife, one by one, specifically to go to his heart.

   "Su Yi, I was wrong, but let me be honest with you, if you don't want to see me and don't want to go back with me, I'm here this time because the Huo family asked my daughter by name... or it wasn't them who missed me. I won't come to the person I want to beg you, just take pity on me and help me..."

   Su Guohua has no choice but to tell the whole story.

   About a week ago, the Huo family came to him and told him to terminate the business cooperation with their company. If Su Guohua wants to continue cooperating, he will have to let his daughter go to Huo's house.

Dressed As The Spoiled Little Princess Of The Three Brothers (MTL) ✓Where stories live. Discover now