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  Here is a cat.

  A dirty kitten is not like a wild cat. After all, this cat is a precious breed, but if it is a cat raised by someone else, it is even less like it. Those who really love cats will not give up. Such a cute cat, so dirty.

  It should be very hungry, jumped to the table, took a small dried fish and stuffed it in its mouth.

  And it didn’t run away in time. It was so courageous. It just ate the dried fish in front of Lin Shi Nuan and Huo Ren, and ate the dried fish until it had eaten all the remaining four dried fish in the bowl. Only then I wiped my mouth with my little paw, lying on the table, patting my belly, very lazy.

  Lin Shi Nuan was shocked. She grew up so big that she had never seen such a brave little kitty, stealing it... Oh no, it's not stealing it, it's just eating it honestly.

  After eating their dried fish, you are not afraid of being cleaned up, and you still have to sleep in front of them?

  This little cat is a little bolder!

  But Huo Ren, after seeing the kitten, his eyes became much deeper, and the emotions in his eyes were very complicated. To be precise, it should be general joy, general dissatisfaction.

  He also stared at the kitten lying on the table, with a complicated expression.

  At this moment, the male owner of the farmhouse came back. He should have gone to the fields, pulled out a lot of carrots and cabbage, and filled a basket full.

  Seeing a visitor at home, he politely smiled at Lin Shi-nuan and Huo Ren. I was about to go to the back kitchen, and I saw lying on the table...

  Why do you look like the cat that usually comes to their house to eat and drink? ? ?

  The host's face was so frightened that the guests were upset. Quickly went over, we must get rid of the cat: "? Go, go, usually to rub rub eat and drink are nothing, how dare sleep on the table of the"

  little cat fights was turned a chubby body, not He gave a'meow' to the male host patiently, looking horrible.

  I don't know why, when Lin Shinuan first saw this little cat, he felt weird in his heart and couldn't hide his liking. Seeing that the host wanted to drive the kitten away, she stopped and said, "It's okay, let it sleep here, right?"

  "Boss, is this cat yours?" Lin Shinuan asked.

  When the host saw that the guests said so, he stopped chasing the kitten. He shook his head: "No. Actually, I don't know whose family this cat belongs to. It should have been discarded, otherwise it won't always be so dirty. When I first saw this cat, I saw It was pitiful, so he gave it a few fish to eat, and then he often came to me to stop by."

  "But it was the first time to do things on the guest table. I think this cat looks very spiritual, we It seems to understand everything." The host scratched his head embarrassedly.

  Continue to say: "Perhaps it looks at you two people with good face, this is a little bolder." When

  Lin Shinuan heard that the kitten has no owner, he gave birth to the desire to raise it. One is that she really likes this kitten, and the other is that she feels that Huo Ren is always alone when she is studying, and if one more kitten accompanies him, it might be better.

  She tentatively reached out to the kitty, trying to hug it: "Kitten cat, let me hug you

  , okay ?" She was afraid that the kitty would not be suitable for the embrace of strangers, so she stretched out her hand before holding it. With its warm hair. It feels very comfortable, except for a little dirty, this little cat is very pleasing.

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