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"Huh?" Lin Shinuan blinked, her face full of puzzlement, "What's wrong? Is it because I didn't dance well enough..."

  How else could the boss's face look not so good?

  Lin Shinuan finds herself quite difficult. As the saying goes,'to accompany a monarch is like a tiger's. Although Huo Ren is not an emperor, Lin Shinuan does not seem to have any difference anymore.

  He always looks so unfathomable, he still talked to her mildly last second, chatting about buying watermelon at noon. Why did your face sink suddenly?

  Alas, to be a woman who saves the villain...Bah, no, she is underage, so she should be more precise with'girl'.

  Being a girl who saves the villain is really tired.

  "No." Huo Ren shook his head, suddenly leaning forward, approaching Lin Shi Nuan.

  The refreshing smell lingered in her nose, Lin Shinuan's face flushed with a brush, her heart throbbed, and her palms were sweating because of being too nervous.

  She blinked and tried to stay away from Huo Ren.

  Because of the strange reactions the previous few times, she seemed to vaguely understand that she should not get too close to Huo Ren. Every time she gets too close to him, her body always reacts strangely.

  For example...

  her body is weak, her face is hot, her mouth is dry, her heartbeat is speeding...

  And the strange feeling behind her back before, she doesn't know whether it should be blamed on Huo Ren's body, but what she knows is, if you continue If Huo Ren got close like this, she was afraid that she would suffocate.

  Therefore, Lin Shi Nuan took a deep breath and took a half step back. The bright eyes were filled with mist at this time, and she blinked, her curly eyelashes fluttering.

  "What's wrong?"

  Huo Ren saw her like a frightened little rabbit, knowing that she was frightened. After all, Ah Nuan does not have the memory of their last world. He has to be good at temptation and can't be rushed.

  He sat upright again, and pointed the jade he was playing with on his thumb: "I'm angry."

  "Angry?" Lin Shinuan was even more puzzled.

  Didn't she just dance, why is the boss angry? Even if she didn't look good at dancing, he didn't need to be angry, she didn't jump in front of him.

  Besides, she watched the video, she said without narcissism, even if it's not very good-looking, it's not so hard to make people angry when you watch it, right?

  "Well, angry." Huo Renruo said pointedly, "I am angry that you dance for others to see, I am angry... I can only appreciate your dance through the cold cell phone, I am angry that you have done something wrong, and I don’t know yet. Coax me."

  "Huh???" Lin Shinuan looked at Huo Ren in surprise.

  How did she feel that she seemed to have become a guilty man...

  But after thinking about it carefully, she was just going to be a cheerleader for the third brother and doing a dance.

  Lin Shinuan was a little helpless, but could not refute the boss, so she could only ask carefully: " should I coax you?"

  "Very simple." Huo Ren's voice was sexy and full of magnetism, with silky threads. The smell of temptation, "jump to show me one more time."

  "Is it right here?" Lin Shinuan looked around.

Dressed As The Spoiled Little Princess Of The Three Brothers (MTL) ✓Where stories live. Discover now