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  Principal's office.

  After Su Nian met Chen Jinghe's gaze, he quickly moved away. The principal looked at Lin Shihan and Huo Shisheng, both of whom had colored faces, and felt a little big head. One is Mr. Huo's son, and a father and mother also have a certain prestige in Nancheng. These two actually fought.

  He was feeling a headache because of that person's phone call, and something went wrong again.

  No one is really worrying.

  The principal asked Su Nian to go out first after inquiring about the course of the matter. Chen Jinghe's punishment has been issued, and naturally there is no need to stay in the office anymore, and she went out together.

  "You didn't confess me?" Su Nian asked nervously.

  Chen Jinghe looked at Su Nian in front of her. She really did not expect that the person who broke the news on Weibo would be Su Nian. Obviously, she was so calm before that it was Lin Shinuan's self-directed, self-acted and hyped.

  She even believed it.

  Until Lao Liu showed up and told them to go to the office, the principal wanted to ask about the news on Weibo. Su Nian confessed to her that it was Su Nian who did it.

  If it hadn't been for Su Nian's confession, she wouldn't believe it when she was killed. Su Nian, who looks so beautiful and so approachable, would actually do such a thing. It's not that the news is that Lin Shinuan is not good, she loves to hear about this situation, she is anxious to see Lin Shinuan being scolded.

  But Su Nian was able to tell others that she didn't do it without blushing and heartbeat after doing this.

  Nevertheless, she still made a deal with Su Nian, she carried it down for Su Nian, and Su Nian agreed to her request.

  Su Nian sent Weibo with a backup phone, and the IP found was also for the backup phone. She just said that Su Nian gave her the phone and she broke the news.

  Since she had a history of theft, the principal would not agree to let her stay in Nancheng No. 1 Middle School if it hadn't been for her mother to bring her to cry.

  Now there is a chance to expel her, and the principal will not suspect that there is something else in it.

  All the teachers felt that it was her, it should be her. After all, this kind of rumor can only be done by people with bad reputations like her.

  As for Su Nian, she is still a good student in everyone's eyes, and no one will doubt her.

  She can choose not to carry it for Su Nian, but her family is poor and has no money. Her grades are average and not outstanding. Even if she really graduates, she won't be promising. It's better to take this opportunity to get enough benefits from Su Nian to change her destiny.

  Chen Jinghe shook his head: "No, I recognize them all."

  "Okay, don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised you." Su Nian patted Chen Jinghe on the shoulder.

  Back in the classroom, as soon as Su Nian and Chen Jinghe entered, some classmates came around and asked, "Su Nian, what's the matter? Is it really you and Chen Jing who broke the news?"

  Su Nian's mouth pursed. , Said: "Forget it, don't ask, Chen Jinghe is already very unhappy because of this incident, so don't talk about it anymore." As

  soon as I said this, I came to understand it. It turned out that the news was revealed The person is Chen Jinghe.

  "Tsk tsk, it really is her, I guess it must be her. Being expelled simply deserves it. Last time we were found to have stolen something, we should have been expelled."

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