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  Lin Xunwan’s concert was held at 8:30 on Saturday night in the city next door to Nancheng.

  It only takes more than an hour to take the high-speed train from Nancheng. Actually, after careful calculation, Lin Shinuan will go to Huo Ren's place in the morning, and it is not impossible to leave in the afternoon. But as long as she thinks of the mustache behind that day, she can't be scared.

  So she took advantage of this time, specially asked Huo Ren to leave.

  When Huo Ren received the news, he was sitting in front of the window reading a book, reading the book back and forth. The book is about the story of him and A Nuan in the last world. He occasionally looked at his watch and the direction of the door to pay attention to whether Lin Shi Nuan had come.

  As soon as the phone rang, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he knew it was from A Nuan.

  But as soon as I saw the news, my smile froze, because Ah Nuan said: I am going to accompany my classmates to the concert today, so I can’t come here, sorry.

  Also sent a simple and cute emoticon pack of panda bowing.

  In fact, Huo Nin was not very happy. He only saw A Nuan two days a week. He was already very dissatisfied, but this little girl had to ask for leave.

  However, when he saw this naive panda, A Nuan's face seemed to emerge in front of his eyes. Somehow, the anger in my heart disappeared.

  He replied: "Okay, remember to send me the photo."

  On the other hand, Lin Shinuan, who received Huo Ren's message, breathed a sigh of relief and exclaimed... I

  didn't expect the boss to talk so well, she originally thought that the boss would be because of it. Not happy. Just like last time, after she washed the underwear for the boss, she suddenly wondered if the boss was upset because she took time off to watch his brother's game.

  So when she texted the boss this time, she was quite nervous, but she didn't expect it to be so simple.

  Gee, happy.

  Wearing a white T-shirt with a cartoon version of the second brother, and a yellow plaid skirt, today is full of vitality.

  After everything was cleaned up, she took out her phone and took a photo, originally thinking about posting a circle of friends. But when he thought of Dalai Huo's words, he quickly opened his dialog box and sent a photo to him.

  "I'm ready to go out, wait until the scene to take pictures."

  She said this directly, because one hand is about to open the door, it is not easy to type.

  Huo Ren looked at the photo, the girl squinted and smiled. She was so pretty, and clicked to save the photo.

  Kumquat squatted aside, his head drooping, disappointed in his heart. Nuannuan told it that she would come every weekend, so every day it waited for the weekend to come, but the weekend finally came, but Nuannuan did not come.

  It's so sad.

  At this moment, a warm voice came from the boss’s cell phone: "Big brother, if I’m not here, please take care of it. Please remember to tell the maid. The farmhouse owner will probably dry the fish around one point. Bring it here, and play with it for a while if you have time. It likes to flutter butterflies..." He

  babbled and explained a lot of details about how to take care of Billowing.

  The sadness on the billowing face disappeared immediately, but in exchange for joy. He raised his ears and remembered every word that Nuannuan said in his heart. Nuan Nuan remembers it so much after going to play, it's really a little sun.

  It knows that Nuan Nuan is the best.

  If Nuan Nuan is here, it will obediently roll over her~

  I heard Lin Shi Nuan continue to say: "Oh, the more I talk about it, the more I think about it, or else you can record me a rolling video. Bar?"

  The billowing eyes lit up, and the little head kept

  lighting up : Meow, meow~ okay, okay.

  After Huo Ren listened, he simply played a video directly, and he quickly picked it up over there. Lin Shi Nuan just closed the door and put the key in his backpack. After finishing this series of actions, he watched the video, and it was Huo Ren who caught his eye.

  There was tenderness in those deep eyes.

  Wait... gentle?

  Did she read it wrong...

  Just when she hesitated, Huo Ren had already switched the camera, and the video was aimed at Koun. It was naïve. After seeing Lin Shi Nuan in the video, it rushed to kiss her'baby', and meowed a few more times.

  It was saying: "Nuannuan, you have to come and see me soon!"

  Lin Shinuan naturally couldn't understand the cat's words. After calming him for a while, he was sticky for a while. When he arrived at his destination, he saw Song Yaoyao. After beckoning to himself, he quickly proposed to hang up the video.

  She didn't want Song Yaoyao to know her relationship with the Huo family.

  Huo Ren pursed his lips, nodded, and said, "Okay, have fun."


  It was a little early to go to the concert at this time. They went to eat something first, and then sat down after time. High-speed rail near the city.

  After leaving the high-speed rail station, Song Yaoyao had been here before, so she led the way and took Lin Shi-nuan for a good time. Originally, Song Yaoyao proposed to go to the amusement park, but Lin Shinuan was afraid of heights and dared not play many projects, so he simply changed the place and went directly to the snack street.

  This could be regarded as fulfilling Lin Shinuan's intention, and she ate a meal happily.

  When it was almost time, the two went to their destination.

  I thought they had come early, but only after they arrived, I found out that it would not be an exaggeration to describe them as a sea of ​​people.


  This is the first time Lin Shinuan has come to the concert. Their position is very high, and she has seen it for the first time. It turns out that Song Yaoyao’s reaction is not a big deal, and only then did she know that the real “crazy” is. what.

  "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Shout.

  There were screams from other fans, and they sang along with Lin Xunwan on the stage.

  Lin Shi Nuan pursed his lips and smiled, and looked at the gleaming second brother on the stage. Unexpectedly, the second elder brother happened to be looking at her. After the two of them met, the second elder brother blinked at her, then raised his hands and gave her a heart-warming gesture on the top of his head.


  Lin Shinuan hadn't reacted yet, but the fans in the audience were already crazy and screaming.

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