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  Liu Guanxiang originally wanted to take this opportunity to make Lin Xunwan fall into trouble, which was a lesson for him.

  Unexpectedly, Lin Xunwan's somersault hadn't been planted, but he was picked upside down instead. He couldn't wear the title of "Old Artist". Netizens on Weibo gave him the hat of "Old Hooligan".

  The pan was fried under his Weibo, and the netizens who had stood by him turned around and cursed, wishing to scold him like a sieve.

  Liu Guanxiang’s lounge is not far from Lin Xunwan’s lounge. It didn’t take long for Liu Guanxiang to start making noise. Lin Dang went out to inquire about the news. After returning, he smiled and said, “Brother, Liu Liu-he is a high blood pressure criminal. I

  'm in the hospital." Lin Xunwan snorted: "He deserves it."

  After saying this, he sent another WeChat message to his sister: "The battle is over."

  Lin Shinuan returned him with a smile.

  However, just when they all thought that the matter was over, Chen Jinghe posted on Weibo that Lin Shinuan was not the biological daughter of the Lin family, and asked: Since it is not the biological daughter, then I am reasonably suspicious , Did they happen to something that shouldn't have happened last night?

  In order to become an actor and to become popular, Chen Jinghe has been playing video apps since she dropped out of school. Although she is not well-known, she has more than 10,000 fans. In addition, she just caught so many hot searches today and posted this post. After Weibo, many people really started to pay attention to this issue.

  But after eating melons for a day, everyone’s impression of Lin Shinuan is very good. Not only did no one agree with Chen Jing and this nasty idea, everyone was even more angry and cursed her brain under Chen Jing and Weibo. There is something wrong.

  They all said that they were brothers and sisters who grew up together. My younger sister went to see my brother’s concert, and my brother took my sister and classmates to the hotel for one night, so why did I think all of them were so nasty?

  Haven't you ever been to a hotel with your family? Don’t you live in a hotel when you travel?

  Is it because the whole family will not be able to stay in a hotel if they go to travel in the future? Otherwise, it is Luan Lun, the German orthopedics? funny!

  After Chen Jinghe's Weibo was posted, the number of comments gradually increased, but most of them came to scold her.

  She was a little panicked and didn't know what to do, and asked Su Nian, "Su Nian, what should I do if this news comes out? There are already people everywhere hacking me, and others are starting to human me."

  Su Nian at this time In the classroom, Class 5 is taking math class.

  She held the phone tightly, her face very ugly. She originally wanted to take this opportunity to make Lin Shi-nuan's reputation stink, but she didn't expect that stealing chickens wouldn't lead to a loss of rice. Not only was Lin Shi-nuan not hacked, she also gained a lot of fans.

  She clicked on the message sent by Chen Jinghe and was about to reply, but was seen by the old Liu on the stage that she was running on the job.

  Old Liu's face sank, and he said solemnly: "Su Nian, you're here to answer this question."

  Su Nian was suddenly asked, and she was taken aback. She looked at the blackboard in a daze, but found that there was no title written on the blackboard. This shows that Lao Liu was talking about the topics in the workbook, but since the beginning of class, she has been wandering. She doesn't know what Lao Liu is talking about, so she can't answer this question at all.

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