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Just after they get out of class, Lin Shinuan went to buy milk tea with a few girls.

Several girls were chattering together, and they seemed to have something to say, especially those girls who stood by Lin Shinuan this time, but had not communicated much with Lin Shinuan before.

After contacting Lin Shinuan this time, they all said that she was too good and it was not like what Chen Jinghe said.

Song Yaoyao took Lin Shinuan's arm and pouted and said, "Nuannuan is best to get along with, Chen Jinghe is just talking nonsense."

When they arrived at the milk tea shop, everyone chose what flavor they like, and Song Yaoyao said something. For a cup of oolong white peaches, Lin Shinuan ordered a cup of lemon Yakult.

After ordering, they walked towards the classroom while drinking.


On the other hand, the results of the school's punishment of Chen Jinghe have come out.

If Chen Jinghe is the first offender this time, the school may only give her a notice of criticism this time in order to give her a chance to make corrections. However, after many students reported that Chen Jinghe was not the first time to steal, and the situation was serious, so the school decided to expel Chen Jinghe directly.

Old Liu called Chen Jinghe to the office and told her about the school's punishment.

Chen Jinghe was terrified. She never thought that the school would give her such a severe punishment and expel her directly. She finally got admitted to Nancheng No. 1 Middle School. If she was expelled, her parents would have to take her skin off!

She cried and pleaded with Lao Liu, but Lao Liu scolded him severely in front of all the teachers in the office. With such a student in the class, Lao Liu's face has no place to rest.

Chen Jinghe ran out of the office crying, constantly cursing Lin Shi Nuan as a bitch. How could she be expelled if it weren't for Lin Shi Nuan? She now even has the heart to kill Lin Shi Nuan!

She threw the brooch that Lin Shi Nuan had given her to the ground. She stepped on it sloppyly, and cursed as she stepped on it "Lin Shi Nuan, you bitch, I will trample you to death, hypocritical, pretentious!"

Su Nian walked to her from a distance. Come over and ask

"Jinghe, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Jinghe cried even louder when she saw Su Nian, and told Su Nian that she was about to be expelled

"Woooohh... Su Nian, I don't know what to do. The school wants to expel me, if my parents know that I have been expelled, they will definitely kill me..."

Su Nian frowned and comforted Chen Jinghe "Don't cry first, let's think of a solution. Lin Shinuan is really too much. If she didn't post it, there wouldn't be so many messy things happening right now."

At this moment, Lin Shinuan just came back with a few girls to buy milk tea, and several people talked and laughed. In the eyes of Chen Jinghe and Su Nian, it was very dazzling.

Lin Shinuan told everyone to buy milk tea later at noon, but Su Nian felt that Lin Shinuan was laughing at them.

She walked over and grabbed Lin Shi Nuan's hand.

"Lin Shi Nuan, you are too much! Chen Jinghe is already so sad, are you still not embarrassed to laugh? Are you still so leisurely to buy milk tea? Chen Jinghe used to be your good friend, why don't you think about it. Now that Chen Jinghe is about to be expelled, are you so happy?"

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