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Liu Guanxiang claims to be an'old artist' and loves to criticize current flow singers most. He feels that they are all sensationalizing, have no real ability, and are not worthy of being on the same stage with his kind of'old artist'.

  However, Pa Pi Jun exploded his black material.

  It turns out that his famous song "Dream" was not made by him at all, but a plagiarism. Behind this plagiarism lies a deeper story.

  The original author who was plagiarized was a very talented but unsatisfied vagrant singer. He wandered around and met Liu Guanxiang's ex-wife. At the time, Liu Guanxiang had not married his ex-wife, and everyone was young in their early twenties, with ambitions and dreams.

  The three were strong and became very good friends.

  Liu Guanxiang concealed his relationship with his ex-wife, because he discovered that when the original author looked at his ex-wife, the light in his eyes was different, it was a beam of light for the people he liked.

  Liu Guanxiang is also engaged in music, but his talent is far inferior to the original author. He appreciates the original author's talent and is even more jealous of his talent.

  Therefore, he asked his ex-wife to accept the original author’s confession, pretended to be in love with the original author, and took the opportunity to steal the original author’s ideas and brains, steal his creative ideas and skills, and together the original author’s original song "Dream" "Theft came over and became his work.

  Because of this song, Liu Guanxiang became a popular singer among young people. Because this song "Dream" is excellent from composition to lyrics. It sings out the status quo of young people. How many days and nights, these hesitant young people have lived by listening to this song.

  They have no doubt that Liu Guanxiang is a talented and good singer with a story.

  Except for the original author of this song, Liu Guanxiang, and Liu Guanxiang’s ex-wife, no one knows that all of this was stolen by Liu Guanxiang.

  This is also the reason why Liu Guanxiang, after becoming famous, got married with his ex-wife but looked at her in every possible way and was not pleasing to the eye. He is used to being sought after by outsiders, and even feels that he is such a genius. These creative ideas for this song originally came from himself.

  But every time he sees his ex-wife, or even every time he quarrels, his ex-wife will use this matter as an argument, which makes him feel disgusted.

  So after his ex-wife gave birth to his first daughter, he ended the relationship with his ex-wife.

  Of course, there are also reasons why he disliked his ex-wife for not giving birth to a son.

  As for why the ex-wife didn’t expose this matter, first, she didn’t have a job and had been raised by Liu Guanxiang over the years. Second, even if she was divorced, she would still need the support provided by Liu Guanxiang to live. If Liu Guanxiang is gone, She couldn't go on.

  Until this afternoon, a gentleman named'Huo Ren' called her and said to talk to her about something. She once again met Fang Yuan, the original author of "Dream".

  Back then, she listened to Liu Guanxiang's instigation and used Fang Yuan's love for her to steal Fang Yuan's works, saying that it is impossible to have no guilt in her heart.

  She was also unwilling from the beginning, and even persuaded Liu Guanxiang for a long time, but Liu Guanxiang asked her: "As long as you steal this song, I can guarantee that it will be popular. If it is, we will be able to live a good life. Do you want your mother to continue to prevent us from being together? If you don’t do this, how can I make money? Can I afford the gift money your mother wants?”

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