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  After the speech, the signing meeting began. Everyone ran over to line up for fear that they could not get a good position.

  Last time my eldest brother sent Lin Shinuan's ten books directly, but she didn't have to go in line. But she noticed that her brother had just finished the speech and went to sign. The assistant seemed to be too busy, ignoring his side, and didn't even prepare water in advance.

  She thought for a while, and after confessing a few words to Song Yaoyao, she went to the canteen to buy a cup of milk tea. Taking advantage of Lin Michen's rest and no one noticed, she walked over and handed him the milk tea.

  "Here, brother, you can moisten your throat with a cup of milk tea."

  Lin Michen was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled. Sure enough, his younger sister is caring.

  He took the milk tea and took a sip. It was sweet. In fact, he usually drinks mineral water. He rarely drinks milk tea or drinks.

  But the taste of the gift from my sister seems to be particularly good.

  He remembered that when he signed the autograph, a female classmate asked him to write the name of a boy, blushing and said it was for her boyfriend.

  Think about my sister who took a one-year absence from school because of physical therapy, so she is a little older than her grade, and now she is seventeen years old. He suddenly thought that his sister wouldn't fall in love early?

  "Nuannuan, my eldest brother asks you, do you have anyone you like?" Lin Michen asked.

  "The person you like?" Lin Shi Nuan was stunned, and then counted with his fingers, "Yes, father, mother, eldest brother, second brother, third brother..."

  Lin Michen was hearing the two "Yes" When writing, my heart shook. Unexpectedly, this was what followed. He was relieved and confessed that his younger sister could not fall in love early.

  His sister is so good, she can't be fooled by these stinky boys.

  "Well, I know, don't worry, big brother, I only have to study in my heart." Lin Shinuan nodded.

  Because the front was very busy, Lin Michen only took a short rest and then went back to his seat to sign, while Lin Shinuan went to find Song Yaoyao.

  No one noticed that this scene was seen by Chen Jinghe who passed by.

  Chen Jinghe gritted her teeth and cursed in her heart "Smelly shameless". An anger burned in her heart because Lin Shinuan went to'hook up' Teacher Lin. Not only did she not get angry, she smiled at her!

  When she arrived in the class, she saw two classmates who had asked Lin Shinuan for some questions before, and they were discussing the problem now. The two yelled'learning the gods', which was very ear-piercing.

  She sarcastically said in a cold voice, "Some people are quite good at pretending, they are so good in class, but they are thinking about how to hook up people behind their backs." The

  two classmates heard Chen Jinghe's headless. The words of the brain were a little awkward: "What is she talking about? Who provokes her again?"

  "Who knows, let's ignore her, I really think she is a mad dog now, who catches who bites... …"

  This angered Chen Jinghe even more. She retorted: "Please keep your mouth clean! Who is a mad dog? It is shameless to "learn God" in your mouth. I know how dirty it is. Anyway, I saw clearly that she was hooking up Teacher Lin!"

  "You don't talk nonsense there, Lin Xueshen is not such a person!" The classmate retorted.

  After getting in touch with Lin Shi-nuan these days, everyone feels that she is approachable and easy to touch. She is beautiful and smart, not to mention her lack of airs.

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