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Lin Shinuan was about to reply, but her deskmate couldn't help it. Get up from the seat, like an old hen guarding her cubs, guarding Lin Shi Nuan behind her back, glaring at Chen Jinghe.

  "Chen Jinghe, can you please touch your conscience before you speak? Why do you say that Nuan Nuan pretends to be depressed? People with depression are already working hard, Nuan Nuan regards you as her best friend, but you are bothered by it, You often say bad things about her in front of everyone. I can't understand you a long time ago."

  "You still steal things and your character is corrupt! You said you didn't steal anything from Nunnuan, she is not qualified to speak of you? Then I will! Last time you stole my Airpods that I didn't see this week didn't you? I’m qualified to talk about you, right?"

  "I want to say, I especially agree with Nuan Nuan to release the recording to let everyone know what Chen Jinghe really is and how is it? Any opinions?"

  Lin Shinuan looked at the tablemate who was yelling 'warmly' to herself, but who had been ignored by her, suddenly felt that she was extremely touch.

  The tablemate's name is Song Yaoyao, she looks cute, with a round face that have some baby fat.

  Although Song Yaoyao didn't communicate with Lin Shinuan very often, when Lin Shinuan recalled things about her, she realized that she was a very warm girl.

  For example, Song Yaoyao would lend her a pen immediately when she couldn't find a pen. When she sneaked out of school to buy milk tea between classes, she would ask her if she would like to drink it, and would she want to read the newly bought magazine? The hair rope I used to tie my hair today is so pretty.

  In short, Song Yaoyao has been tentatively approaching Lin Shi Nuan. She knew that Lin Shi Nuan's health was not good, so she had been cautious and wanted to treat Lin Shi Nuan well.

  Lin Shi Nuan blinked and watched Song Yao Yao lift her chin and stared at Chen Jinghe with disgust. She opened her arms and blocked herself behind her, not allowing anyone to bully herself.

  She admitted that she was really moved.

  "That is, my things were stolen. I have the right to say it, right? Chen Jinghe, you are the black sheep of our class!"

  "We all support Lin Shinuan in exposing the recording so that everyone in the school knows what you did. As a result, there is someone’s Virgin Mary and a White Lotus!"

  The classmates who have not been stolen still maintain a neutral attitude. Some good friends who have played with Su Nian are also comforting Su Nian, but the classmates who have been stolen are standing by Lin Shinuan side.

  Chen Jinghe was so speechless that she could only return to her seat and watched the forum posts about her stealing more and more. There were more than a thousand likes for the posts that supported her to criticize her.

  It shows that not only the students in the first year of high school are paying attention to this matter, but even the students in the second and third years of high school are also paying attention to it.

  Some people even posted a post asking her to drop out of school.

  While Chen Jinghe watched, her hands trembled violently. She gritted her teeth, thinking about how to fight back.


  Seeing Chen Jinghe's departure, Song Yaoyao wore a triumphant smile on his face. He turned around and said to Lin Shinuan, "Nuannuan, the bad guys were driven away by us, it's all right."

  She sat down and looked at Lin Shi Nuan, her tone of voice became very gentle "Are you a little sad now? A good friend of you turned out to be a thief, and even said bad things about you behind your back. Actually, I wanted to tell you this a long time ago. I want to told you not to play with her anymore, but I don’t know how to speak."

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