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Huo Ren lives alone in an old-style small building two hours' drive from Huo's old house.

  When you look at the small building from the outside, you only think of blue bricks and black tiles, plus the lake and willow trees next to it, and you just feel like a small bridge and flowing water.

  After walking in, the furnishings inside are also old-fashioned. There is a locust tree in the yard. At this time, it is the season when locust flowers are blooming. The bunches of them are hanging on the tree, which is especially beautiful. There is a stone table under the locust tree, on which is placed a spread book. The pages of the book are chaotically blown by the wind, and the locust flower also falls rustlingly.

  Lin Shi Nuan was slightly surprised, but couldn't tell that a villain like Huo Ren had such an elegant taste.

  Mrs. Huo looked back at her and motioned for her to follow.

  Lin Shinuan retracted her gaze and continued to follow Mrs. Huo, walking through the yard and into the lobby. On the walls of the lobby are many authentic works of masters, Chinese paintings, ink paintings, and several oil paintings by foreign painters.

  If she had not known before she came here that Huo Ren, who was only twenty-five years old, lived here, I was afraid that she would have thought that the man who lived here was an old man of the same generation as Mrs. Huo!

  But what is strange is that when Lin Shinuan walked in, he faintly felt that there was a sense of deja vu here. She tried to think about why, but she couldn't think of anything. She thought it was because she knew the plot in the article, so she felt familiar with these furnishings.

  After passing through several corridors, Mrs. Huo finally stopped in front of the house at the end of the corridor.

  The door was not closed, Lin Shinuan stood beside the old lady Huo and landed on the person in the room.

  Sunlight came in through the windows, and most of the room was exposed to sunlight, but the places where the sun could not spread were even more gloomy. Huo Ren sat there, half bathed in sunlight, generally shrouded in darkness.

  What I saw from Lin Shinuan's angle was Huo Ren's profile. As stated in the book, he was very good-looking. The contours like a knife engraved, with a little softness in the fortitude, the sculptural features are naturally natural, one point less feels dull, and one point more feels too strong.

  A pair of gold wire glasses hung on the erect nose, those deep eyes were curled up, and he was flipping through the books in his hand. Even the hands holding the book are like scallion tubes, and they look just right.

  Lin Shi Nuan blinked. She felt that she had never seen such a good-looking person. Even if she can't see his full picture at this time, this profile is enough to amaze her.

  "Xiao Wen, grandma brought this child here, can you see if it's the girl you're looking for?" Mrs. Huo said.

  Xiao Wen is Huo Ren's nickname, the entire Huo family, no, it should be said that in this world, only Mrs. Huo would call him that.

  Huo Ren knew that they had arrived in the morning, but after the old lady Huo spoke, he closed the book he had just read and raised his eyes to look at Lin Shi Nuan.

  There was doubt in the girl's eyes, and perhaps there were some small tensions and fears in her heart. But this face, and everything that he felt through those smart eyes, let Huo Ren know that this was the person he was looking for.

  He nodded "Thanks for your grandma."

  From beginning to end, he didn't say a word to Lin Shinuan, let alone whether she was the person he was looking for. But Mrs. Huo understood that this little girl was the person Huo Ren was looking for.

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