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Chen Jinghe began to spread Lin Shi-nuan's pretending to be depressed among his classmates. Gradually, it didn't take long for the news to spread in the class.

Someone immediately believed Chen Jinghe's words, saying, how can people with depression be as lively as Lin Shinuan and love to laugh? The liar is no doubt, really speechless, in order to sensationalize, make up this kind of thing, do you have to make up one day that you have cancer and deceive everyone's sympathy? Buddha.

Some people didn't believe it: "No? At that time, Lin Shinuan didn't say that she had depression. It seems that Lin Shinuan's father told Lao Liu. Lao Liu told us? Did she even have her home? People cheat together too?"

"What's impossible?"


None of these voices got into Lin Shi-nuan's ears, because the mock exam is going to be on Wednesday, and her science scores have always been mediocre and she is busy with tuition. Woolen cloth.

As for Song Yaoyao, she usually spends more time chasing stars than studying, and she is overwhelmed with each exam, so she can only come and hug Lin Shinuan together.

In Lin Shinuan's conscientious work, ushered in the mock exam.

On Friday, the test results came out.

Lin Shinuan was panicked with a few failed exam papers in her hand.

In fact, she has been working hard for the exam since last week. She really did not expect that she would fail, and even become the only one in Class 5.

Song Yaoyao leaned over and comforted: "Nuannuan, it's okay. This is just a mock exam. The midterm exam results for next week will be recorded in the transcript. Don't be unhappy. Wait, I'll give it to you. You buy your favorite milk tea and you are happy after drinking it."

Lin Shinuan pouted, although she was not satisfied with the result, she did her best.

She wore the book twice in a row, but there was no memory of learning in her mind. Even if she did not pass the exam this time, it was the result of her hard work in the past few days.

She always learns things fast, and when she takes the exam in the next cycle, she can pass the exam no matter what.

She squeezed Song Yaoyao's face full of concern, and said relaxedly: "It's okay, it's just that I failed the exam. I can do better next time."

"That's right, Nuannuan will definitely be able to take the exam next time. Okay." Several other female classmates echoed.

At this moment, Chen Jinghe sneered and walked over, her tone full of disdain: "I didn't pass the exam this time, I will definitely be able to do it next time? How good is it? This time the last one in the class. This is the last

lowest class in the whole year ?" "Our class is the top three in the whole year. If the average score of this mid-term exam is lowered, our class will not be rated as an excellent class. Lin Shinuan, will you want it again? Use depression to talk about things? Will you be going to jump off the building then? I heard that people with depression like to talk about suicide, don't they? Or would you give us a show? Let us also see Are you really suffering from depression? Otherwise, you are joking with Song Yaoyao and the others every day. How can you set up this depression patient's personality?"

"Chen Jinghe, don't talk too much!" Song Yaoyao Being confused by Chen Jinghe's words, Lin Shi Nuan hurriedly blocked her back, as if the little hen was protecting her little chicks.

She was so angry that she flushed her face and her eyes were a little red.

"Have you eaten shi? Your mouth is so stinky! If you want to commit suicide, you will commit suicide yourself. Don't bother my warm family here. Get out of here!" Song Yaoyao angrily gave Chen Jinghe a push.

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