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    Before it is said that Su Nian did something wrong but Old Liu didn't punish her because of his soft heart, worried about her self-esteem, and deliberately chose other teachers to educate Su Nian without being in the office.

  So this time Lao Liu was really angry. He didn't save any face for Su Nian, and severely criticized her in front of all the teachers.

  And asked her to memorize the school rules, and then go back and copy them ten times.

  High school is the most critical years for students, how can they fall in love? After this time, she consciously broke off her relationship with Huo Shisheng, so she won't be in contact anymore. It's not too late to fall in love after going to university.

  After Liu said this, he asked Su Nian to go back and warned her that if there was another one, she would invite her parents.

  Su Nian's eyes were red and her nose was a little sore, as if she was about to cry in the next moment. She wailed and agreed, and then walked out of the office.

  When she went out, she heard other teachers in the office talking

"Lao Liu, what's the matter? Su Nian in your class is in early love? This kind of good students are in early love. That's a bad thing. She came to school to study, what kind of love do they want to talk about?"

  Su Nian bit her lips, picked up the phone and called Huo Shisheng.

  Huo Shisheng was playing basketball on the playground when he received the call. He saw that the caller ID was Su Nian's name. He threw the basketball in his hand to the classmate next to him. He walked aside and answered the phone: "What's wrong? Nian?"

  "Shi Sheng..." Su Nian's voice was a little choked.

  Huo Shisheng heard it right away, frowning and asked: "Where are you? I'm here to find you."

     After getting the position reported by Su Nian, Huo Shisheng hung up the phone and went to find Su Nian. They were not far away. Huo Shisheng saw Su Nian's eyes red from a distance. He listened to Su Nian's narration and comforted her: "It's okay, I will let the principal say hello to your head teacher. "

  Huo Shisheng's father is the school director of Nancheng No. 1 Middle School, and this is something everyone knows. Only the old Liu Toutie dared to intervene in this matter regardless of Huo Shisheng's identity.

  Su Nian nodded.


  On the playground, Song Yaoyao was still happy that Lin Shinuan had reported Su Nian in response to the situation before "Nuan Nuan, I think you have become so good now, completely different from before."

  "Well, it should be. my depression is getting okay, recently I'm in good state. "

Lin Shinuan said," this weekend going to the hospital to see. "

   " well , it's great! after nuan nuan recover, I will be so happy!!" Song Yaoyao burst into laughter as she spoke.

  After saying this, she glanced at the time on the phone, and immediately followed her while holding the phone when she hit the blood "Nuan Nuan, I will go for now, the activity is about to begin!"

  It was only two minutes later. ,  She said dejectedly: "Oh, brother’s autographed photo is too hard to grab!! I have grabbed it several times, and I set the alarm clock to grab it every time, but I can’t grab it every time, 155551. It's too difficult..."

  "Brother? Who?" Lin Shinuan was puzzled.

  Song Yaoyao took the phone and asked Lin Shinuan to look at the photo above: "Anway for you! The best idol forest in the world to find the night! Look at this photo, is it super handsome? Oh, especially my brother’s eyes, what a fairy, you can see this kind of thing, there are galaxies in these eyes!"

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