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  After making sure that he was going to be a cheerleader for his brother, Lin Shinuan organized a cheerleading squad, which happened to be the female classmates who often went to buy milk tea together.

  In Song Yaoyao’s words: “From now on, our milk tea group will make their official debut!”

  And on the forum, the annual basketball game in the third grade was also very hot. Someone first posted a poll and asked Everyone thinks that Lin Shihan's third-year class and Huo Shisheng's second-year class can get the first place in this basketball game.

  Then someone posted about cheerleading.

  [I just passed the rehearsal room and saw Su Nian from Class 1 and 3 in senior high school rehearsing. Is this going to be a cheerleader for Huo Shisheng? 】

  Because the recent posts about the basketball game are very popular, so once this post was posted, there were many comments.

  [Huo Shisheng's cheerleading team is there, what about Lin Shihan? By the way, can I recommend myself to be a cheerleader for Senior Lin? 】

  【Don’t think about it. Someone’s sister must do the cheerleading job. What are you mixing with? ]

  [Hey, upstairs, can't I dream? 】

  【Who will wake her up? Don’t come to people with diabetes, don’t let her taste a little bit of sweetness]


  [I heard that Lin Shi Nuan organized a cheerleading team. 】

  【To be honest, I am more of Lin Shi-nuan's face, but Su Nian seems to have learned dance since childhood. Lin Shi-nuan does not seem to be a special student in dance. Compared to dancing, I think Lin Shi-nuan is not better than Su Nian. 】

  【But I think the fairy has won as long as she stands there. 】


  Next, there are those who stand for Su Nian and those who stand for Lin Shinuan, but because Su Nian once represented Nancheng No. 1 Middle School in dancing competitions and won prizes, so many people supported Su Nian this time.

  In the rehearsal room, Lin Shinuan and the others were discussing what kind of dance they should dance at that time.

  Song Yaoyao actually didn't have much research on dancing. She felt that she was a good one, so she couldn't give any advice. She just took out her mobile phone and checked the forum, and she happened to see this post.

  Seeing that there are more people who support Su Nian than Lin Shinuan, she rolled her eyes and complained, "I really don't know Jin Xiangyu. Our family Nuan Nuan is so good, can it be better than Su Nian? When the time comes, Nuan Nuan will dance, and be careful to drop your jaws.” With

  that, she continued to reply to several posts in support of Lin Shi Nuan.

  snort! Her warmth is the best!

  But despite what he said, Song Yaoyao still felt a little guilty in his heart. After all, she also understood that Su Nian was born in dancing, but she had never heard of Lin Shinuan who could dance.

  "Yaoyao? What's wrong with you?" Lin Shinuan had already discussed with a few classmates over there. Seeing that Song Yaoyao's face was not pretty, he asked with some concern.

  Song Yaoyao returned to his senses, waved his hand and said, "It's okay, it's just to bother those people in their forums. You have to take everything to the forums and talk about it. Nuan Nuan, you don't watch the forums recently. It's smoky."

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