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  At that time, Song Yaoyao was afraid of making mistakes because he was in it, so he just remembered the time and couldn't notice Lin Shinuan's dancing.

  Through this video, she fully understood what kind of treasure fairy sitting next to her.

  She nestled in

  Lin Shi Nuan’s arms; “Woo woo woo Nuan Nuan, you are too quickly give me a breath of immortality, I also want to become a fairy qaq” Lin Shi Nuan listened , Squeezed her cheek in love, and then blew into her neck: "Okay, now you are also a fairy."

  The squabbles between girls are seen in the eyes of girls. It's normal.

  After hearing Song Yaoyao's words, Lin Shihan quickly took out his mobile phone to watch the hot search. After clicking on it, he found that the video hanging on the hot search was a video of his sister dancing.

  Click on the comment to see, there is no bad sound.

  He then slowly flipped through the comments to see how everyone praised his sister.

  "Prprprprprpr first lick my face for respect"

  "Call an ambulance for me, I am about to die of beauty"

  "No way, no, I can't watch, my heart is almost jumping out oooo"

  " Want to ask who this fairy is The school, why don’t our school have such a fairy qaq"

  "Yes...Is there no makeup? It can be beautiful without makeup???? It came out of the painting..."


  too many comments Now, Lin Shihan didn't finish reading them one by one. After the dishes were ready, he closed the phone and put it in his pocket contentedly.

  Xiang Yuan picked up a bottle of orange juice to pour a drink for the girls, but when it was Lin Shinuan's turn, he was stopped by Lin Shihan.

  "Wait a minute." Lin Shihan said, "My sister likes to drink Yakult." As

  he said, he took a small bottle of Yakult from his pocket and handed it to Lin Shinuan. There is no Yakult in the restaurant, he went out and bought it specially.

  Song Yaoyao and the other five looked at this scene with complicated expressions, and they didn't know what to say. Ten thousand lying grasses in his heart were not enough to explain his mood at this time.

  This is! Nancheng No. 1 High School is famous! indifferent! Lin Shihan who is not easy to get along with!

  Since getting acquainted with Lin Shihan, they feel that Lin Shihan's image is subverting every day, allowing them to regain awareness of Lin Shihan.

  The boss is not easy to get along with, but it also depends on who the other person is.

  If Lin Shinuan were indifferent and not getting along with each other, it would be fake. Brother sister-control just wanted to hug her sister.

  Apart from envy, there is nothing to say.


  "Shi Sheng, I ask you, do you also think Lin Shi Nuan is good-looking and is a fairy?" Huo Shisheng and his class did not get the first place, and Su Nian was not in a good mood with Su Nian. , The pressure in the whole team is extremely low.

  So I didn't go to the dinner party that had been promised, and went home directly.

  After Su Nian separated from his classmates, instead of going back immediately, she went to find Huo Shisheng.

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