Chapter 1 - What's Going On?

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Kaneki Pov

A soft poke was all it took to drag me out of sleep. I groaned in annoyance. I swear if Ayato woke me up before my alarm—again— I will murder him. No matter how much Aogiri needs him.

I opened my eyes before blinking in shock. "Nyfyhyhyhnh" A large yellow blob stood before me waving an equally yellow appendage in front of my face. I jumped back in shock instinctively settling in my fighting stance.

I focused on the yellow blob that distinctively resembled an octopus. A wide grin was seen on its face with two small eyes on its round head. It took me a moment to realize I was not in my room. Heck I don't even think I was in Tokyo as the sound of constant traffic was very muffled.

I let a mask of calm fall over my face. Who knew what the octopus might be thinking. It could be trying to read my emotions to figure out what I was going to do next. I hesitated for a moment before straightening out of my fighting stance. The octopus hadn't made a move since waking me.

I was on guard when faced with this otherworldly creature. I felt thankful that I had fallen asleep in my battle outfit last night after the raid. I could still feel my mask tucked away in my pocket but what most concerned me was that I didn't have my eyepatch on currently.

"What are you?" I asked the octopus, feigning calm, "Nyfyhyhyhnh, I am Koro Sensei! The teacher of class 3-E where you decided to fall asleep." The octopus pointed to the room and sure enough I seemed to be in a classroom with desks, chairs, and a chalkboard up the front.

I could read the words written in Japanese causing me to release an internal sigh of relief. I was still in Japan. Though that didn't mean I was safe yet. I'm the very distance I could hear the familiar hustle and bustle of the city. At least I was still in Tokyo.

I didn't know where I was but I knew it was probably better for me to get back to the Aogiri hideout before the doves found me. I made a move to walk out of the classroom when a yellow tentacle landed on my shoulder. I stiffened slightly prepared to dodge at the slightest hint of an attack.

"I can't just let you leave looking like that!" He said. I looked down at my outfit puzzled. Sure It was a bit dark with the only colour being black but it's not like it would draw too much attention. It was only then that I noticed the hole in the front where a CCG member had stabbed me last night in the raid. My pale skin peeked through looking perfectly normal.

A flash of hunger lanced through me as I scented a human enter the building. I turned back to the octopus with my emotionless expression. "What do you propose we do about it as I can't fix it until I get home" The octopus looked deep in thought when a guy looking in his late twenties barged into the room.

He stopped short when he spotted me standing there. A familiar wave of hunger slammed into me causing me to shut my eyes. I forced my Kakagun away before opening my eyes. It was times like these when I really missed my eyepatch.

The guy looked me over, pausing a bit at the hole in the front of my suit. The guy looked professional in a work suit. "What's going on here?" The question was directed at the yellow octopus. I was relieved to see that there were other humans in this new world.

I stayed silent not knowing what to say. "I found him asleep on the floor when I arrived here." The yellow octopus made it sound like I was a poor homeless person to be pitied. I guess it's better than them knowing the truth.

The new man focused his attention on me again. I shifted warily. If he even suspected I was a ghoul I was screwed. Then again I could just kill both of them and leave. I was more concerned about how I actually got here than lying my way out of this situation.

A ghoulish Assassination (Tokyo Ghoul and Assassination classroom Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now