Chapter 13 - Reality Hits Hard

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Hi I am sorry for not updating in so long. I kinda lost motivation but I recently thought of something that made me determined to write this again. Also I was rereading last chapter and realized that Kaneki and Karma said that they would get hot chocolates. I am changing this to a coffee instead.

Kaneki Pov

It only took a heartbeat for reality to slap me in the face.

And reality stung as cold as the icy rain whipping my face. I was nothing more than a dirty liar who was simply trying to salvage what was left of my life. If the redhead running behind me knew what I really was I doubt he would even hesitate to kill me if given the chance.

All at once I suddenly felt like a stranger in my body. I was such an idiot, laughing and having fun like I really was some immature teenager who didn't have any worries. I should be scheming and preparing for the battles ahead.

I had people to protect and a goal to reach. My plan to reach that goal certainly didn't include running through a torrential storm and messing around like a fool.


Why do I always get distracted when it matters most?

Without realising I had come to a halt in the rain giving the redhead enough time to catch up to me. I could feel his eyes questioning me from behind, Questions I wasn't and never would be prepared to answer. With a huff I set out again at a fast paced walk ignoring the redhead behind me.

"Kaneki? Hey Kaneki what happened? Why'd you stop?" His voice was light but I could hear the undertone of worry. Theoretically I knew it was my own stupidity that had me feeling like I had been emotionally slapped in the face, but I still felt the irrational urge to lash out at the boy.

With a great show of willpower I forced a smile and glanced over my shoulder at him.

"It's nothing, I just almost tripped and thought it would be better to walk" I rubbed my neck with an embarrassed smile hoping he would buy the act. He seemed to buy it or at least was willing to let it go as he gave me a smile in return and latched onto my arm.

With my internal turmoil I had almost forgotten the reason why I had been running in the first place... Almost. With a mischievous grin the boy was coming at me, hands blazing in an attempt to tickle me.

Key word: Attempt

It took barely any effort to brush off his advances; the only part that actually required effort was holding back my instincts that wanted to swat the annoyance away... permanently.

When we finally reached what I would consider civilization the rain had lessened somewhat and the fast walk had warmed us both up slightly. I was unsure what to do, should I walk him home or just leave him. Did he expect that we would go get the coffee straight away or could we wait until another day.

He must have noticed my indecisiveness as with a small smile and a wave over his shoulder he turned around to walk away throwing a passing 'see you tomorrow' over his shoulder. I sighed, both in relief and exhaustion. Today has seemed to go on forever.

But It seemed tomorrow was doomed to be longer. It was the weekend and I would have to go out with Asano and the others to 'look for ghouls' while at the same time try to organise plans with Hinami and Uta. I also had to be aware of the deal I had made with that man.

Who knows when he would seek me out for information, and who knows what he considers valuable info. After all Hinami and Uta's lives were at stake, how could I risk displeasing him.

'Displeasing him'? That's pathetic. Since when have you ever cared about pleasing someone like a good little dog?

'Shut up please' I say to the voices too tired to argue with them.

A ghoulish Assassination (Tokyo Ghoul and Assassination classroom Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now