Chapter 11 - Assassination Attempt

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Kaneki Pov

The three of us were currently gathered in the small apartment Uta had somehow acquired for himself. I had just finished explaining what the man had told me to the two, as that was the least I owed them for getting them caught up in this mess.

We were trying to brainstorm what his intentions were and what he could achieve from all this. "Maybe he used to know this Koro Sensei person," Hinami proposed. I thought about it, and it was possible but unlikely.

I could understand him wanting to know the CCG's plans but what did this have to do with my octopus-like teacher?

I mean how did he even know Koro Sensei?

In the short time from being brought over to now he would have had to somehow get information on a very exclusive government secret.

Something about the whole situation didn't sit quite right with me. I had only met the man once before the whole kidnapping fiasco and he had seemed a lot calmer then, something must have angered him, something to do with my teacher.

Because underneath all the cold smiles I had felt a bubbling hatred and rage that surprising wasn't directed towards me for once.

We eventually gave up brainstorming and instead asked Hinami about the situation back home. Apparently ghouls and humans alike had been gradually disappearing leaving no trace behind, people had suspected that they were being kidnapped by a mysterious organisation but there hadn't been any proof to support the theory.

Both the CCG and Aogiri had mutually agreed that they would temporarily stop attacking the other as they tried to find this mysterious third party. I was relieved to hear that the fighting had stopped while I was away but I knew it could only be temporary. Once it was found impossible to locate us they would surely start fighting again.

"No one from Anteiku has crossed over, well except me I guess..." Hinami said, finishing her explanation. I reached over and pulled her into a hug, trying to comfort her. I knew it would be hard for her to lose everyone she considered family all over again.

It was both a relief that she was here and a worry. I could now protect her but I didn't want her to be in danger to begin with. Hinami was such a sweet kid and I refused to let the world crush her any more than it already had.

What kind of big brother would I be if I didn't protect her?

As Uta had the small apartment we agreed that she would stay with him until I could get my own from the CCG money.

I could tell Uta truly did care about Hinami in the way his eyes softened when he spoke to her. She seemed to just have an invisible aura that made you want to protect her, no matter the cost.

When Uta offered me some food from the supply he had I gladly accepted. I didn't want to go out hunting and have it end up the same way it did last time.

When I had finished I bid a final farewell to Hinami and Uta and left to go back to Karasuma's house.

I made my way back by foot and ended up running for almost an hour before I reached my destination. By the time I had slipped into bed the sky was already beginning to lighten and I guessed the time to be somewhere around 5am.

After a short 2 hour nap and a breakfast of coffee It was 7:30 and Karasuma was driving us to school.

Amongst all the chaos of last night I had almost forgotten that I had planned an assassination attempt for this morning.

I had packed the mysterious letter in my bag that I planned to just leave on Koro Sensei's desk rather than give to him in person. Without knowing the contents of the letter I didn't want anything possibly related to ghouls being tracked back to me.

A ghoulish Assassination (Tokyo Ghoul and Assassination classroom Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now