Chapter 3 - New Home

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Kaneki Pov

The school day had ended and I was waiting awkwardly for Karasuma to leave. Nothing had happened since lunch and for that I was grateful. I have made the decision to fight and I will stick to that no matter what. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the hand that landed on my shoulder.

"All right, kid, it's time to go," Karasuma said, tired from the day's work. I nodded even though on the inside I was fuming. Kid? Did I really look that young? I'm 19 for god's sake not some damned useless brat!

We headed out to his car where I hopped in the passenger seat. Karasuma drove us through a quiet little neighborhood that looked very peaceful. I inwardly sighed, Getting food would be a lot harder here than if we were in the middle of the city. I kept my composed expression on. I would just have to figure that problem out later. I didn't have time for this right now.

We soon pulled up to a reasonably small house that had two bedrooms, a kitchen, bathroom, lounge room and laundry. It had everything it needed I guess. "You can take the spare bedroom, we will have to go shopping soon. For now you can borrow some of my clothes to sleep in." I nodded and gave him a small smile of appreciation. He was a good man and one that I won't be killing anytime soon.

I walked into the room I would now call mine. It was small and reasonably plain with only the necessities. It seems just like the man himself. It did its job efficiently without any unnecessary nonsense. I flopped on the bed sighing, so much had happened in such a short span of time.

I had been transported to another world

I had attempted an assassination on an otherworldly creature

I had gone through a panic attack and come out on top

I sighed into the soft sheets feeling grateful that Karasuma had taken the effort to invest in a decent bed. At least I would be able to sleep in comfort—if the nightmares ever let me get a decent sleep that is—when I stay here.

I pulled out the bag that Karasuma had let me keep that contained my clothes. I gazed at it conflicted, on the one hand it was the last thing connecting me to my friends and all the good times I had in my world. On the other hand it was keeping me from starting a fresh life without regrets here.

Do you really deserve a new chance?

The thought whispered across my mind. I ignored the voice, the call to follow it offered. The only place that call would take me is the short path to insanity.

I stood up off the bed. I needed something to distract me from my thoughts. I wandered out into the main room and spotted Karasuma training. I watched him for a few minutes. He had great form and his reflexes were sharp. He would make a great CCG member if he were to ever come to my world.

I don't know how long I stood there until he finally noticed me but when he did I was not expecting him to motion me over. "Do you have any fighting experience?" He asked me, I hesitantly nodded my head yes. It would be utterly useless to say no but at the same time I can't let him see how good I really am.

I was slightly confused when he settled in a fighting stance and motioned for me to come at him. I hesitated slightly before sinking into my own stance. I took a careful swing at him designed to test just how solid his defense was. He blocked easily and I felt more sure he could take some of my hits.

With a new confidence I swiped my foot aiming to knock him off his feet while at the same time I grabbed his arm pulling him towards me. He jumped my leg and was powerless as I yanked him closer to me. I made sure to restrain my strength as I lightly jabbed him in the stomach. He sailed past me when I stepped out of the way, his momentum causing him to continue in the direction.

A ghoulish Assassination (Tokyo Ghoul and Assassination classroom Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now