Chapter 14 - Lucky Lies

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Kaneki Pov

"What do you mean tell them you're a ghoul! Did travelling to this world knock out some of your brain cells along the way!" I whispered trying not to be loud

I shook my head resisting the urge to shake some sense into the person before me. "Look I have an idea but it will be hard to make it work..." I trailed off with a sigh. Was I really contemplating this?

"When I first came to this world I may have told a bunch of lies to get where I am now, If you want to get into the school through me our stories need to align perfectly. Do you understand?" I stared intently at Ayato trying to impress upon him the importance of what I was saying.

He looked me over with an assessing eye and seemed to realise it was either my way or the highway. "Fine, yes I understand." He said and in that moment I almost wanted to sigh and shake my head.

He reminded me of a petulant child who had just been informed that they could not actually get everything their way in life.

"First things first... you're now a friend of mine who let me stay at your place in America.."

It took a while for me to explain Ayato's role to play in my web of carefully spun lies. Basically he was a friend who had helped me out when I was in trouble, now that his father had died he came seeking me hoping I would be able to return the favour. We had met by chance a few days ago when he had seen me walking home from school and now he was this helpless kid who needed help and support.

"Oh and bye the way we will be using your real age" I mentioned trying to gauge his reaction.

"Ok sure, wait why?" He said with confusion, lacing his tone.

I explained that he had to be that age as he was less likely to mess it up. Besides if someone questioned how he knew me I could just say I knew his older sister which is technically true.

"Wait till morning and we can inform Karasuma Sensei of this new development, In the meantime you can take the bed. I don't think I will be able to sleep again tonight." I gestured towards the bed to emphasise my point.

Ayato didn't respond verbally but instead slipped into the bed though he would probably be awake for a while tonight as he tried to process everything he had told him.

I slipped out of the window only to climb up onto the roof.

It was quiet and the night seemed to give me space and time for my thoughts.

Afterall my situation had just changed drastically... again.

I stayed on the roof till the sun started rising and bathed the sky in a soft glow that gained in intensity as pinks reds and oranges splashed themselves out across the sky.

With a quick stretch I moved my muscles again and prepared to enter back into the house and attempt the unbelievable. Honestly I was surprised nothing had come to tear down my web of lies yet, especially when it seemed so fragile and unbelievable.

I knew that most everyone who surrounded me was smart, so why hadn't I been discovered yet. Who was it that was reinforcing my web from the shadows and scaring off those who would try to force the truth out of me.

And it had to be someone else because god knew that my luck was horrendous and for it to hold this long would require several miracles. I shoved the thoughts from my minid, pondering that it would do no good.

Instead I turned my mind to the immediate future, I had to introduce Ayato, Go out and 'find' ghouls tomorrow, contact Uta to get more info, Find time to plan an assassination and I also had to consider when that 'man' would appear.

A ghoulish Assassination (Tokyo Ghoul and Assassination classroom Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now