Chapter 15 - Information Gathering

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Kaneki Pov

When I awoke it was like floating up from the depths of a deep sea. The dream pulled at me trying to keep me under in its dark waters but when I broke through the surface it was sudden and I was left panting to catch my breath.

I rubbed my eyes trying to shake off the lingering grasp of sleep. The sounds around me started to filter in and I could hear quiet conversation from beyond the door.

It took a second for me to register whose voice exactly I was hearing but when it did I startled, jumping out of bed and rushing to the door to interrupt whatever Ayato and Karasuma were talking about.

"...ou can share with Kaneki... You two are friends so it shouldn't matter right?

I paused just before I opened the door resting my hand on the door handle, listening closer. "It should be fine I'm sure it will work out" Ayato's response sounded calm from the outside but anyone who had heard him when one of his subordinates fucked up knew that he was internally gritting his teeth in annoyance.

I too was annoyed, I could barely be civil with the man when we were on a mission together, how on earth was I supposed to live with him?

I debated just going back to bed but I knew Ayato would have sensed that I was awake. Calming myself, I opened the door and walked into the lounge room with a small smile on my face, as though I wasn't planning on sneaking out and crashing at Uta's place.

"So he can stay?" My voice was a mix of hopeful and desperate, the perfect blend just suited to incite pity. "Ahh Kaneki you're awake." I stayed silent still looking at him pleadingly. He sighed and for a second it looked like he was regretting every life choice he had ever made.

"...Yes your friend can stay until he no longer needs the support. He will be rooming with you since you already took the only spare room." I smiled brightly at him and started thanking him.

After 10 minutes of ass kissing I went back to my room with the intent of getting changed. What I didn't anticipate was being followed by a certain colleague of mine.

I decided to just ignore him in favour of grabbing my clothes and heading to the bathroom and getting changed. When I arrived back in the room he was lounging on the bed as though he didn't have a care in the world.

"Who knew you could still act like a little human when it suits you?" The words themselves weren't that bad but the younger's insolent tone just seemed to worm its way into my brain. "Shut up, without my help you would still be roaming the streets with no idea where you are. It's only because I can 'act human' that you are even able to sleep here tonight".

I know I shouldn't have snapped at him, afterall I would be stuck with him for the foreseeable future but I couldn't seem to shake this crushing weight that had seemed to grip me ever since the storm. It made me want to lash out at everyone around me.

I longed to slump on my bed and go back to sleep but I had too much energy and my internal circadian rhythm was messed up, so instead I walked past the blue haired ghoul and made a swift exit out the window. I debated on going to visit Hinami and Uta but decided against it, it would only be awkward if I arrived randomly.

Instead I decided to explore the area.

The night air was chill against my skin, refreshing in its biting nature. I looked up at the sky, the stars were clearer than they ever had been in my past world. There wasn't much difference as far as I could tell (not that I ever truly learnt my stars) The only real difference I could see was the bright stars all clustered together, It took me a second to realise that it was the shattered remains of the moon.

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