Chapter 5 - A proposition

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Kaneki Pov

The beautiful woman we later learnt was called Irina Jelavić. She was supposedly our new English teacher but if she did half as much flirting as she did teaching then we would all be star students by now. I of course was perfectly fluent in English as my love of reading had driven me to learn the beautiful language but the rest of the class was not so lucky.

In between classes I was informed by Koro Sensei that I was required to meet with the principal during lunch. The principal only knew my name and that I had recently been taken in by Karasuma and was going to help kill Koro Sensei. He didn't know how old I truly was or why I was suddenly joining his school.

I was surprised he was willing to let me in that easily but people in this universe seemed a lot more chill in general. I was slowly becoming more friendly with the class but I still kept my distance. It would only hurt me more when I eventually left this world again... that is if I ever returned home.

Lunch came around and I walked the distance towards the main campus. I made quick work of the trek there and thanks to my ghoul stamina I still looked as fresh as when I started. I walked inside and felt slightly annoyed at the massive difference between class 3-e and the rest. Wherever I looked, all I really saw was students studying. They studied in groups and used eachother to get better.

I was surprised at how hard they were all working but glad at the same time. They would most likely all have a bright future if they kept this up. I walked to reception and asked for directions to the principal's office. The woman gave me a fake smile like she wanted nothing to do with her job and gave me directions. Thanking her I followed the directions until I ended up at a large door.

For some reason I felt hesitant to walk through that door like there was some form of danger ahead. I pushed the feeling down but raised my guard. My instincts were usually right and if they told me danger was behind those doors I was going to listen.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. There was a single second of silence before a 'Come in' rang out. I pushed open the doors and was faced with a large but surprisingly dark office. The only light came from behind the principal where his blinds let in a few rays of light.

The principal's face was cast in shadow but what stood out was the gleaming eyes. They were a glistening magenta that both invited me in and told me to run. I entered the room and bowed in respect. I straightened up and looked at him with a guarded expression.

"Please have a seat." The words were smooth and flowed like water. I ignored the sweet call they offered that would try and drag me down. I sat in the chair opposite his desk waiting for him to say more. "You must be Kaneki I would assume?" He said, staring at me with his eyes that practically spelt danger.

"Yes Sir" I answered hoping he would leave it at that. He nodded and handed me a piece of paper and a pen. "I need you to complete this test for me, Don't worry every student has to. Think of it like an entrance exam" I nodded and started working.

I had always enjoyed being challenged when I was in school and my thirst for knowledge had driven me to learn all I could. I briefly looked over the test flicking through the pages. I knew all of the content inside so I got to work. I worked fast but carefully making sure not to make a mistake.The test covered all of the main subjects and I found myself enjoying just sitting down and working out a simple problem.

When I had finished the test I handed it back to the principal feeling confident. He flipped through the pages checking my answers. I found a small smirk making its way to my face as I watched his expression. As hard as he was trying to conceal it I knew he was impressed with my work.

A ghoulish Assassination (Tokyo Ghoul and Assassination classroom Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now