Chapter 7 - A class of fools

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Kaneki Pov

I honestly don't know why I even expected a reasonably normal class when I returned. Or maybe this was just the class 3-E normal but I am pretty sure that playing pin the tail on the donkey with knives as the tail and the donkey as Koro Sensei was not even normal for this class.

I watched as they tried and failed repeatedly as Koro Sensei's tentacles just wiggled slightly out of the way each time.

I was still trying to process the ridiculous sight in front of me when my name was called out. "Kaneki! You're back, you have to come join us!" Nakamura called out. I tried to slowly inch my way backwards but before I knew it I was being shoved forward by what seemed like the whole class.

I knife was forced in my hand and a blindfold wrapped around my eyes before I could react. I felt slightly unbalanced. There was so much noise surrounding me. From the quiet of the woods to this laughing and giggling mess of bodies around me.

I tried to focus my ghoul senses and was barely able to steady myself as a body bumped into me from behind. I decided to try and get this over with, so thrusting the flimsy knife forward I reacted on instinct when I felt my target shift.

My aim automatically adjusted itself when I felt a whisper of a breeze against my skin as Koro Sensei moved. For a second, time seemed to pauze.

My senses sharpened in a way they never had before. I lacked my eyesight, My ears were useless with the chaos surrounding me, The only thing guiding me was that pure ghoul instinct that screamed at me what to do in a language I had never learnt yet still seemed to understand.

The knife danced across my fingers as it readjusted its aim to thrust down into my target. A sudden hush fell over everyone as I felt a coldish liquid splash over my hand. I could feel the shock radiating in the air around me.

It took only a moment for that shock to turn into a sudden shout of victory. I pulled off the blindfold just in time to see everyone jump for me.

I closed my eyes in defeat, resigned to my fate as body after body landed on me in a massive group hug. People were congratulating me and patting me on the back while I just stood there trying to plot a way to escape this tangle of bodies.

Honestly it felt like I was surrounded by a class of fools half the time!

When everyone eventually calmed down we all headed back inside the classroom. I sat down in my seat at the back thankful to have everyone's eyes off me. Well almost everyone... I looked to my right to find Karma staring at me with a thoughtful look on his face.

A small note fluttered onto my desk with the words 'How did you do it'. I panicked internally before realising panic would get me nowhere. I needed to be calm, I had to play this smart and emotions like panic would only interfere at this moment.

I quickly thought through my options. I could play it off as pure luck or I could lie and say I had been practising hard. Both options had their pitfalls in logic and I knew Karma would be able to spot them immediately.

Telling Karma the truth would be more trouble than it is worth and saying that I didn't know would seem suspicious. There was only really one option left.

Say it's private and hope he leaves it at that.

I quickly wrote my answer on the note and was prepared to slip it onto his desk when it was snatched out of my hand by a familiar yellow appendage. I cursed my luck as Koro Sensei quickly scanned over the note.

He looked at me intently and for some reason I knew that he wouldn't leave it as just private. Well at least I thought he was looking at me intently... With the big smile and small eyes that never seemed to move it was hard to tell.

A ghoulish Assassination (Tokyo Ghoul and Assassination classroom Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now