Chapter 2 - Class Time

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Kaneki Pov

I had to force myself not to fidget when all the eyes in the room fell on me. I never had been one for big crowds as a human but I had overcome that fear after being in Aogiri. I was surprised that the fear was creeping up on me again. Maybe it was because being in a classroom reminded me of when I was human. Maybe it was because I was in a new world. Maybe it was because I was just weak.

I smiled brightly at the class trying to make myself seem younger and more cheerful like before I was a ghoul. A lock of white hair fell over my eyes, hiding them from the class. I was thankful as I'm sure my eyes would have looked empty in comparison to the bright smile.

"Aahhh Kaneki could please go and sit next to Karma at the back!" Koro Sensei exclaimed, pointing at the red-headed student. I carefully walked to the desk and sat down. When I saw what Koro Sensei was teaching I just zoned out. I had learned this stuff years ago.

I looked around the classroom to entertain myself. It was fairly open with neat rows of desks. It had a quaint wooden theme and gave off a calming vibe. With nothing to distract me, my hunger was really testing me. I was trapped in a space with so many young juicy humans and after turning to cannibalism my hunger demanded even more than usual.

I found myself gripping the desk tightly as I tried to control myself. A quiet tap on my shoulder nearly caused me to snap. I turned around quickly fighting the rising snarl that wanted to escape. The mischievous face of Karma greeted me.

"Hey, do you want to skip next lesson?" he whispered to me quietly. I paused for a moment pondering. On one hand it would get me away from all the humans and let my self-control have a break. On the other hand I needed to put on a good front if I was to avoid suspicion.

When a new wave of hunger almost activated my Kakagun my decision was made. "Fine." My answer was short and probably cold but nonetheless a grin still appeared on Karma's face.

*Time skip brought to you by me reading Tokyo Ghoul memes*

The lesson couldn't have passed any faster if time had stopped!

When Koro Sensei ducked out of class to grab something from China, Karma and I made our move. We simply just strolled out the door and walked into the woods. The woods were light and airy giving me a calm vibe.

I took in a deep breath of fresh air. It felt good to be away from the overwhelming hunger. Admittedly having Karma there was still a constant jab at my control but it was nothing I couldn't easily handle. We reached a tree that had a really thick trunk and widespread branches.

With a jump Karma easily scrambled up the side of the tree. I followed suit, easily jumping to the height where all I needed was a slight step and I was standing on the branch. I sat down on the branch opposite Karma.

An easy silence fell between us where I could tell he was just thinking. I wondered what Hide would say if he were here. He probably would have jumped right into a random conversation despite only having met the person 2 minutes ago.

I smiled slightly, it was a sad smile as I realized I probably would never get to see Hide or Touka or anyone at Anteiku ever again. "Why'd they send you here?" His question was innocent enough but I could sense the hidden curiosity in him.

"I've never seen you at the main campus either." He added as an afterthought. My mind was racing for ways to distract him or avoid the question when a loud explosion rang through the forest. I was on my feet in an instant, my body instinctively in a fighting stance.

"Let's go back" I found myself saying. My mind was racing with possible outcomes. Was the CCG here? Was Aogiri here? Had they managed to kill the octopus? Was someone hurt? I tried to stop myself from worrying too much as we made our way back.

A ghoulish Assassination (Tokyo Ghoul and Assassination classroom Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now