Chapter 9 - Planning Time

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Kaneki Pov

I woke up feeling hungry.

I knew I would have to find food in the next day or two, or risk losing control in public. A notification from my phone during a coffee breakfast caught my attention. It was from Uta explaining that there seemed to be a common suicide spot that would be perfect for the ghouls except it seemed like Aogiri had taken it under their control.

I was surprised that there seemed to be someone in Aogiri who actually seemed to be trying to organise the forces that had crossed over. I would have to meet with them in person to get a better idea of what was going on so I messaged back to Uta to see if he could arrange a meeting.

When Karasuma and I were driving to school he told me that there would be an assembly today instead of the last two periods. The assembly would take place on the main campus with the rest of the student population.

I inwardly sighed, it seemed like I was spending so much time at the main campus and between figuring out how to manage the ghouls and the CCG it felt like I hadn't been as involved with class 3-e in assassinating Koro Sensei.

I decided that on Friday I would try and kill the octopus. It was currently Wednesday today and I would need time to prepare everything. I might even enlist the help of the class in distracting Koro Sensei.

When we arrived at school I decided to scout around for some places that might be good for an assassination. I was looking around the classroom for possible hiding places and the sight of the rafters caught my eye.

If I could manage to disguise my scent then Koro Sensei might not even realise I was there. I could try and shoot him when he was unaware or distracted by the rest of the class, I would have to time it perfectly or he would realise too early that something was amiss.

When Nagisa arrived at school I made a beeline towards him having heard of the information he had gathered on Koro Sensei. "Hey Nagisa, I am planning on trying to assassinate Koro Sensei on Friday, could I read your notes on Koro Sensei?" Nagisa looked both surprised and confused that I was talking to him but he still dug his notebook out of his bag and handed it to me.

I flipped through the pages and noted any useful information in the back of my brain. When I was sure I had memorised it all I handed it back to him.

A plan had started to form in my mind, I could place strongly scented flowers all over the classroom and have a reasonably obvious assassination attempt that would distract Koro Sensei while I was hidden in the rafters. While Koro Sensei was distracted with the obvious assassination I would try and kill him amongst the chaos.

If my plan was going to work I would need some help from the rest of the students.

During lunch I gathered the class, I explained my plan to them and how I would need their help if it was going to work. A few people looked skeptical but still agreed anyway. I organised people into what jobs they would be doing in the assassination:

Kurahashi, Nakamura, Kayano, Sugino and Yoshida were all in charge of getting the flowers while Karma, Isogai, Okajima, Hayami and Hazama would try and fake kill Koro Sensei. Everyone else was there to cause chaos and create lots of noise to distract our Octopus teacher.

When everyone was sure of what they were doing we separated ways to go and enjoy the rest of lunch. It was a relief to get my mind off the imminent war that was coming and the double agent role I would have to play.

When lunch ended we all started our trek towards the main campus. It seemed that nature simply hated some people as snakes, bees, boulders and more were continuously chasing the unfortunate few who attracted the trouble like a magnet.

A ghoulish Assassination (Tokyo Ghoul and Assassination classroom Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now